Databases at UCC
The UCC runs a number of SQL database servers, which members are welcome to use for personal or club projects, including web applications.
We support PostgreSQL and MySQL - if possible, choose PostgreSQL. Most systems should also have SQLite installed for smaller projects.
We run PostgreSQL on Martello and Mussel. If you are hosting a web application, ask for a database on Mussel, but if you want to do lots of heavy lifting with your data, you're better off with a database on Martello.
PostgreSQL runs on the default port on both systems, so just point your code at the right hostname or use psql -h hostname. You can also use the web interface.
If you'd like a database to be created, or need some help with getting things running, ask your nearest Wheel member or e-mail [email protected]. Make sure to include your username, the database name you'd like, and which machines you're accessing the database from.
If you need to use MySQL, we run a server on Mussel. It runs on the default port, so just add the hostname as your server. We also provide a web interface to MySQL.
Again, if you'd like a MySQL database, or need some help with getting things running, ask your nearest Wheel member or e-mail [email protected]. Make sure to include your username, the database name you'd like, and which machines you're accessing the database from.
We have a MongoDB server on Mussel. It runs on the default config with one exception: Authentication is enabled, so you will need a login to be able to do anything. Ask your friendly neighbourhood Wheel member or email [email protected] if you want a login.