The UCC Library is an extensive collection of reference materials.
Someone really needs to update this page. It would be really swell if our books could be catalogued somehow, but we haven't got high hopes, there really are a lot of books there.
If you want to borrow a book, email [email protected] to tell us that you're borrowing it.
UCC has come into possession of many manuals and periodicals which are invaluable when using UNIX operating systems. We possess a copy of the SunOS 4.0 manuals, the StarOS manuals, the BeOS manuals and various other documentation.
The club also owns other books on subjects such as electronics, networking and systems administration.
Acquisitions 17 December 2001
The following paperback publications are currently being held on campus, but not in the club room. If you would like to borrow something from this list or wish to have an item made available at the clubroom, email [email protected] to make arrangements.
(There may be some typos in this list.)
OSF/1 v3.2
- AA-PS2DE-TE/1995 "Installation Guide v3.2" [white, red(S)]
- AA-PS2BE-TE/1995 "Release Notes" [white, teal (G)]
- AA-Q0R1B-TE/1995 "Technical Overview" [white, teal(G)]
OSF/1 v2.0
- AA-PQT0B-TE/1994 "Guide to Prestoserve v2.1A" [white, red(S)]
- AA-PS2DC-TE/1994 "Installation Guide" [white, red(S)] (2 copies)
- AA-PS2EB-TE/1994 "Software Licence Management" [white, red(S)]
- AA-PS2GB-TE/1994 "Network Configuration" [white, yellow(N)]
- AA-PS2MB-TE/1994 "Network and Communications Overview" [white, yellow(N)]
- AA-PS2SB-TE/1994 "Network Administration and Problem Solving" [white, yellow(N)]
- AA-PS2TB-TE/1994 "Kernel Debugging" [white, red(S)]
- AA-PS2WB-TE/1994 "Network Programmer's Guide" [white, yellow(N)]
- AA-PS2ZB-TE/1994 "System V Compatibility User's Guide" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-PS33B-TE/1994 "Guide to Realtime Programming" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-PS3DB-TE/1994 "VAX System V to DEC OSF/1 Migration Guide" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-PS3EB-TE/1994 "ULTRIX to DEC OSF/1 Migration Guide" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-PS3GB-TE/1994 "Writing Device Drivers for the SCSI-CAM Architecture Interfaces" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-PS3HB-TE/1994 "Writing TURBOchannel Device Drivers" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-PS3LB-TE/1994 "Sharing Software on a LAN" [white, red(S)]
- AA-PTTMB-TE/1994 "DEC Verifier and Exerciser Tool User's Guide v2.0" [white, red(S)]
- AA-PUBVB-TE/1994 "Writing Device Drivers Volume 1: Tutorial" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-PUBWB-TE/1994 "Writing Device Drivers Volume 2: Reference" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-PWG3C-TE/1994 "Compact Disc User's Guide" [white, red(S)]
- AA-PY8AB-TE/1994 "Calling Standard for AXP Systems" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-Q0R3A-TE/1994 "System Tuning and Performance Management" [white, red(S)]
- AA-Q0R4A-TE/1994 "Writing Software for the International Market" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-Q0R5A-TE/1994 "Programming with ONC RPC" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-Q0R6A-TE/1994 "Writing EISA Bus Device Drivers" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-Q15WA-TE/1994 "Developing Applications for the Display PostScript System" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-PS2JB-TE/1994 "Documentation Overview, Glossary, and Master Index" [white, teal(G)]
- AA-PS2BC-TE/1994 "Release Notes" [white, teal(G)] (2 copies)
- AA-Q0R1A-TE/1994 "Technical Overview" [white, teal(G)] (2 copies)
OSF/1 v1.3
- AA-PS2BB-TE/1993 "Release Notes" [white, teal]
- AA-PS2DB-TE/1993 "Guide to Installing DEC OSF/1" [white, teal]
OSF/1 v1.2
- AA-PQT0A-TE/1993 "Guide to Prestoserve" [white, teal]
- AA-PS2BA-TE/1993 "Release Notes" [white, yeal] (2 copies)
- AA-PS2DA-TE/1993 "Guide to Installing DEC OSF/1" [white, teal] (2 copies)
- AA-PS2EA-TE/1993 "Guide to Software Licence Management" [white, teal]
- AA-PS2GA-TE/1993 "Configuring Your Network Software" [white, teal]
- AA-PS2JA-TE/1993 "Reader's Guide" [white, teal]
- AA-PS2MA-TE/1993 "Network and Communications Overview" [white, yeal]
- AA-PS2PA-TE/1993 "Reference Pages Section 1: User Commands - Volume 1"
- AA-PS2QA-TE/1993 "Reference Pages Seciont 1: User Commands - Volume 2"
- AA-PS2RA-TE/1993 "Guide to System Administration" [white, teal]
- AA-PS2SA-TE/1993 "Network Administration and Problem Solving" [white, teal]
- AA-PS2TA-TE/1993 "Guide to Kernel Debugging" [white, teal]
- AA-PS2VA-TE/1993 "Reference Pages Section 8: System Administration Commands" [white, teal]
- AA-PS2XA-TE/1993 "Guide to the Data Link Interface" [white, teal]
- AA-PS2ZA-TE/1993 "System V Compatibility User's Guide" [white, yeal]
- AA-PS35A-TE/1993 "POSIX Conformance Document" w[hite, teal]
- AA-PS36A-TE/1993 "Reference Pages Section 2: System Calls"
- AA-PS37A-TE/1993 "Reference Pages Seciont 3: Routines - Volume 1"
- AA-PS38A-TE/1993 "Reference Pages Seciont 3: Routines - Volume 2"
- AA-PS39A-TE/1993 "Reference Pages Section 3: Routines - Volume 3"
- AA-PS3AA-TE/1993 "Reference Pages Section 3: Routines - Volume 4" [white, teal]
- AA-PS3DA-TE/1993 "VAX System V to DEC OSF/1 Migration Guide" [white, teal]
- AA-PS3EA-TE/1993 "ULTRIX to DEC OSF/1 Migration Guide" [white, yteal]
- AA-PS3GA-TE/1993 "Guide to Writing Device Drivers for the SCSI/CAM Architecture Interfaces" [white, teal]
- AA-PS3HA-TE/1993 "Guide to Writing TURBOchannel Device Drivers" [white, teal]
- AA-PS3LA-TE/1993 "Guide to Sharing Software on a Local Area Network" [white, teal]
- AA-PTTMA-TE/1993 "DEC Verifier and Exerciser Tool User's Guide" [white, teal]
- AA-PUBWA-TE/1993 "Guide to Writing Device Drivers: Volume 2 Reference" [white, teal]
- AA-PWZQA-TE/1993 "Reference Pages Seciont 1: User Commands - Volume 3"
- AA-PY8AA-TE/1993 "Calling Standard for AXP Systems" [white, teal] (2 copies)
- AA-PZ7EA-TE/1993 "Guide to the DECladebug Debugger" [white, teal] (2 copies)
- AA-Q0R2A-TE/1993 "Enhanced Security" [white, teal]
OSF1 v1.0
- AA-PJUTA-TE/1992 "DEC OSF/1 Guide to Internationalisation" [beige]
- AA-PJU6A-TE/1992 "Guide to Programming with ONC RPC" [beige]
- AA-PV6NA-TK/1993 "DECthreads: Guide to DECthreads" [white]
- AA-Q15US-TE/1994 "DECwindows Extensions to Motif" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-Q15VA-TE/1994 "DECwindows Motif Guide to Application Programming" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-Q1V2A-TE/1994 "DECwindows Companion to the OSF/Motif Style Guide" [white, blue(P)]
- AA-Q2DPA-TK/1994 "DEC OSF/1: Guide to DECthreads" [white, blue(P)]
- EK-SFFIS-UG.E01 "OSF/1 Factory-installed Software Quick Reference Card" [white, red(S)]
- AA-PW82A-TE/1993 "DEC FORTRAN: Installation Guide for DEC OSF/1 AXP Systems" [white]
- AV-Q2CCA-TE "Update Installation Quick Reference Quide" [white, red]
- AV-PS3KB-TE "Quick Reference Card" [white, teal]
- AA-PXEJA-TE "KAP for DEC FORTRAN for DEC OSF/1 AXP Installation Guide"
- EK-SNDWS-GC.A01 "DEC 3000 Model 600 AXP: Setting Up Your Workstation" [white, purple]
- EK-SNDPL-OG.A01 "DEC 3000 Model 600/600S AXP: Owner's Guide" [white, purple]
- EK-SNDPR-OP.C01 "DEC 3000 AXP Model 400/400S: Options Guide" pwhite, purple]
- EK-SFFIS-UG.B01 "DEC OSF/1 AXP Factory-installed Software User Information" [white, purple]
- EK-SNDSR-QC.A01 "DEC 3000 Model 600S AXP: Setting Up Your Server" pwhite, purple] (5 copies)
- EK-SNDWS-QC.A01 "DEC 3000 Model 600 AXP: Setting Up Your Workstation" [white, purple]
- EK-SNDPR-QC.C01 "DEC 3000 AXP Model 400: Setting Up Your Workstation"
- AA-PWXWA-RE "DEC OSF/1 AXP Mar 93 Layered Products Compact Disc User's Guide"
- AA-PYN7A-RE "DEC OSF/1 AXP May 93 Layered Products Compact Disc User's Guide"
- AA-PYXWB-RE "DEC OSF/1 AXP Jun 93 Layered Products Compact Disc User's Guide"
- AA-PWXWC-RE "DEC OSF/1 AXP Sep 93 Layered Products Compact Disc User's Guide"
- AA-PWXWF-RE "DEC OSF/1 AXP Mar 94 Layered Products Compact Disc User's Guide"
- EK-SFFIS-UH.D01 "DEC OSF/1 AXP Factory-installed Software: User Information"
- AA-PWVEA-TE "DEC OSF/1 Freeware for AXP Systems"
- AA-PW8YG-TE "AlphaAXP(tm) Systems: Firmware Release Notes Overview"
- AA-PW8YD-TE "AlphaAXP(tm) Systems: Firmware Release Notes"
- "DEC 3000 AXP(tm) Sytstems and TURBOchannel(tm) Options: Update Utility Procedures"
- 1992 "RZ Series Disk Drive Installation Guide" [beige]
- EK-RRD42-OM-003/1991 "RRD42 (CD-ROM) Disc Drive Owner's Manual" [beige]
- AA-PJN7A-TE/1991 "DECwindows Extensions to Motif - UNIX Systems Edition" [beige]
- AA-PJUFB-TE/1993 "Display PostScript System: Guide to Developing Applications" [white]
- "VRT17-HA/H4 Color Graphic Display Operating Instructions"
Open Software Foundation
Application Environment Specification (AES)
- 1990 "Operating System Programming Interfaces Volume Revision A"
- 1991 "Programmer's Guide for v1.1" (2 copies)
- 1991 "Style Guide for v1.1" (2 copies)
- 1993 "Style Guide for v1.2"
- 800-1193-01/1985 "User's Manual for the Sun-2VME-Multibus Adaptor Board"
- 800-1355-05/1986 "Hardware Installation Manual for the Sun(tm)-3/50M"
- 800-1513-11/1987 "SunLink(tm) TE100 User's Guide"
- 800-1710-10/1988 "Doing More with SunOS(tm): Beginner's Guide"
- 800-1931-10/1987 "SunLink(tm) DNI User's Guide"
- 800-1932-10/1987 "SunLink(tm) DNI System Administration Guide"
- 800-3818-10/1990 "SunDiag User's Guide"
- 800-3830-10/1990 "SunOS User's Guide: Getting Started"
- 800-3833-10/1990 "SunOS User's Guide: Doing More"
- 800-3834-10/1990 "SunOS User's Guide: Basic Troubleshooting"
- 800-4899-10/1990 "OpenWindows Version 2: Installation and Startup-up Guide"
- 800-4910-10/1990 "OpenWindows Version 2 Release Notes"
- 800-4929-10/1990 "DeskSet Environment Reference Guide"
- 800-4930-10/1990 "OpenWindows Version 2: Users's Guide"
- 800-5195-10/1990 "19" and 16" Color Monitors User's Guide"
- 800-5732-05/1991 "XGL 2.0 Reference Manual"
- 800-6118-10/1991 "SunGKS 4.1 Reference Manual (Ada Binding)"
- 800-6118-10/1991 "SunGKS 4.1 Reference Manual (C Binding)"
- 800-6118-10/1991 "SunGKS 4.1 Reference Manual (FORTRAN Binding)"
- 800-6119-10/1991 "SunGKS 4.1 Software Installation Guide and Programming Guide"
- 800-6231-10/1991 "OpenWindows v3 for SunOS 4.1 DeskSet(tm) Reference Guide User's Guide"
- 800-6316-11/1992 "Desktop Storage Pack Installation and Operation Manual"
- 800-6635-11/1992 "Installing SBus Cards in Desktop SPARCstations"
- 800-7508-10/1992 "FSBE/S SBus Card Manual"
- 801-3332-10/1992 "Solaris(r) 2.1 System Software Answerbook(tm) On-line Documentation Installation and Setup"
- 801-4537-10/1993 "Desktop SunCD Plus Pack Installation and User's Manual"
- 801-4538-10/1993 "5 Gbyte 4mm Tape Desktop Backup Pack Installation and Users' Manual"
- 801-5399-10/1993 "TurboGX/TurboGXplus Hardware Installation Guide"
- 801-5488-10/1993 "Solaris 2.x Handbook for SMCC Peripherals"
- 801-5488-10/1993 "Solarix 1.x (SunOS 4.x) Handbook for SMCC Peripherals 825-1651-04/1993"
- 801-9131-10/1993 "1.05 Gbyte Low-profile DIsk Drive Installation Manual"
Desktop SPARC
- 800-4731-11/1990 "Read Me First: Desktop SunCD Pack"
- 800-5699-10/1991 "SPARCstation IPC Installation Guide" (2 copies)
- 800-5701-10/1991 "SPARCstation 2 Installation Guide"
- 800-5702-10/1991 "Sun System and Network Manager's Guide" (2 copies)
- 800-5703-10/1991 "Sun System User's Guide"
- 800-5704-10/1991 "DeskSet Reference Guide" (3 copies)
- 800-5705-11/1991 "Desktop SPARC Documentation Map" (4 copies)
- 800-5772-10/1991 "SPARCstation IPX Installation Guide"
- 800-5814-10/1990 "Desktop Storage Pack Installation Guide"
- 800-5815-10/1990 "Read Me First: Desktop StoragePack Installation Guide"
- 800-5821-10/1991 "SunOS 4.1.1 Rev B Release Overview"
- 800-6316-10/1991 "Desktop Storage Pack Installation Guide"
- 800-6339-11/1992 "Sun System User's Guide"
- 800-6802-12/1993 "Sun Type 5 Keyboard and Mouse Product Notes"
- 800-7133-10/1991 "Ergonomics Compliance"
- 801-2175-10/1992 "Hardware Owner's Guide"
- 801-3558-10/1992 "SPARCclassic Hardware Setup Instructions"
- 801-4251-11/1993 "Using a SPARCclassic X Terminal"
- 814-3047-02/1991 "SPARCstation ELC Product Notes"
- 814-3109 "SPARCstation SLC: Coupon for Audio Adapter Cable"
- 814-3110-02/1991 "Quick Configuration of Desktop SPARC on a Network"
- 814-5043-02/1991 "SPARCstation SLC Installation and Repair Guide"
- 814-5044-01/1991 "Installing a Disk-less Desktop SPARC Client" (2 copies)
- 814-5048-01/1991 "SPARCstation ELC Installation and Repair Guide"
- 41-01231-00/1990 "Using FrameMaker" [probably v3 for X Windows]
- 41-01233-00/1991 "New Features in FrameMaker" [probably v3 for X Windows]
- 41-01234-00/1990 "Using FrameMath" [probably v3 for X Windows]
- 41-01235-00/1990 "FrameMaker Shortcuts" [probably v3 for X Windows]
SunDisk Corporation
- 1993 "SDP Series FlashDisk User's Guide"
- AA-PUC1A-TK/1993 "Advanced System Diagnostics: QAPlus(tm) User's Guide"