
Pages with the .ucc extension are now rendered directly by an Apache AddHandler directive that calls kondo/ The other files in /services/http/kondo are:

Path Description Starts Kondo on a local HTTP port for testing on Windows or Linux, without Apache.
components/ The directory of .vue file components used by @component.
plugins/ The directory of .py plugins used by @plugin.
styles/ CSS stylesheets used by Kondo. All styles required to render a .ucc should be placed in here, so that they work when testing with standalone Kondo and without the entire site. Custom .css files not called by template.html should not be placed in this directory.
fonts/ Fonts used by template.html. As with styles, only fonts referenced by Kondo's templates, plugins or components should be placed here.
images/ Images used by template.html, plugins and components.
libraries/ JavaScript libraries used by Kondo, to implement @component
index.ucc This documentation file.
template.html The main template. A set of functions that are injected into the template variables to help rendering template.html. A simple implementation of what is normally done by the Vue SFC compiler and Webpack. Functions common to other modules, particularly ones that need to be external to avoid cyclic imports. A mixin for that adds support for hot reloading.
hotreloading.js The hot reloading script injected by for the browser side of the implementation. The main Kondo implementation.