University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2025-03-06
Next meeting time
Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting
Circular Motions
- [BLU] Grace Fowler, President
- [SEB] Bones Gazey, Vice-President
- [GPO] Gary O'Donnovan, Treasurer
- [KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary
- [SVN] Lyla Peng, Fresher Representative
- [DOC] Diarmuid O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member
- [ROY] Roy Xu, Ordinary Committee Member
- [LHP] Lauren Pudney, Ordinary Committee Member
Start Time
- 17:19
Committee Reports
President's Report
- Went to Linux Workshop.
- Good turn out.
- Need to think of major stuff I've done the past year for the AGM reports.
Vice President's Report
- Hosted Fresher Welcome.
- Ordered pizzas.
- Updated flyers around campus with [KKZ].
- Helped out at Intro to Linux.
Secretary's Report
- Helped at Intro to Linux Workshop
- Went to UAWES x UCC Brunch
- Hosted Fresher Welcome
- Put up UCC flyers around campus with [SEB]
- Went to Project Night.
- Made posters for welcome/workshop.
- Made UCC pride logos.
- Restocked vending machine.
- maybe some other things i forgot.
Treasurer's Report
Westpac Main $
Westpac Savings $
Westpac Card $
Guild Account $
Hosted Intro to Linux Workshop.
Showed up at the end of Fresher Welcome.
Updated flyers on the Guild noticeboards.
Started fixing 3D printer.
Did a bunch of EMPs and bookings.
- Looking at booking camp.
UCC books are pretty much done
- Full financial report will be ready for AGM
Fresher Rep's Report
- Helped at Fresher Welcome.
OCM Reports
- Helped at Intro to Linux Workshop.
- Helped at Fresher Welcome.
- Signed up people and helped them set up their accounts.
- Mainly studied this week.
- Came late to the Fresher Welcome.
- Signed up ppl and helped them set up their accounts.
- Not here.
Action Items from previous meeting
Committee: update your handovers on wiki.
- In progress.
Committee: Discuss project night poster.
- [GPO] started a little bit.
[GPO] to update intro powerpoint.
- Done.
[GPO] to create nomination channel on Discord.
- Done. Is a thread under the announcement.
[GPO] will make powerpoint for the Talk and send to [KKZ].
- Done.
[GPO] will book loft for Linux workshop.
- Done. (Had to book Reid)
[KKZ] send AGM reminder announcement
- Needs to be done tonight.
Machine Technical Reports
Clubroom Machines
- PCs have been moved around.
got new SSDs so it's working better.- We need to buy hardware for Build&Break a PC.
We're not doing it next week anymore.
- Parts still pending delivery.
- Will make an announcement with new date soon.
- Also the URC keyboard building workshop is next week Mon-Tues.
Esports have a borked PC we can look at.
is running out of space on/home
.- ACTION: [ROY] to solve
space issues.
- ACTION: [ROY] to solve
- IPv6 is causing a lot of our network slowdowns.
- Everything defaults to it even when it doesn't work.
- [GPO] suggests getting turning off IPv6.
- Don't want to but it's causing a lot of problems.
New Equipment
- Ordered new fans and mounting stuff for the 3D printer off AliExpress.
- Spent $20, otherwise would've had to spend a lot more at PLE.
Drinks and Snacks
- We ran out of lots of drinks on Fresher Welcome.
- Sunkissed was very popular and Pasito.
External Entities
- Checked, no new mail.
New policies regarding club advertising.
- Lecture Bashing and Posters are banned w/o explicit approval.
- Guild are trying to convince UWA to revert it.
- They are taking feedback in an email.
- We should see if any members have suggestions/arguments for guild.
You now need express permission from the Faculty to put up posters.
- Our lockers are still borked.
- We need to keep asking about it.
Other Entities
- We should set up a meeting for the Exec handover ASAP.
Past Events
Uncharity Vigil
Need to approve final budget distribution.
- We got all the cash and square transactions so we will be paying out the clubs.
[GPO] moves to approve the 2025 UnCharity Vigil profit distribution and budget, with the ammendment Unigames made.
In the Final Income section of the budget, we move the total income number ($1118.20) to a new row, which states this is the total income, and has an additional detail mentioning it is like this due to money not being split in the money box.
- [SEB] seconds.
- Unanimous.
Fresher Welcome
Had a good turnout!!
- Had lots of signups (Golden Ticket yippee)
- Made lots of accounts.
Broadway pizza was closed so we had to get Dominos.
Next year we can try holding the powerpoint in the loft.
- It gets really hot.
- We should still hold it in the clubroom as it's one of our main draws.
Intro to Linux and VMs Workshop
The room we booked had no power so we had to move to a staff meeting room.
- Had to start late.
- The Circle in reid would've been a nice place to run it.
- Good visibilty.
- better accessibility.
Had an overall good turnout!
- People started leaving midway.
- Some people came from PCS.
- Some people had to leave for class possibly.
- People started leaving midway.
Maybe next time we could hold it before the CITS1003 lab1 or differentiate it more from the labs.
We will run Linux as a Desktop OS later in the semester.
We need to book the room earlier next time!!!!
Confirmed Events
Send out a reminder announcment with whos running for what position.
- Need to do it tonight 06/03.
Bring exec keys.
Print out secret ballot voting slips.
- We can use the UWAES ones as a base if needed.
- ACTION: [BLU] will make the ballots for the AGM.
Bring whiteboard markers for the whiteboard in Guild council room.
Bring pens and paper for people to write their student number and name on.
Need to find 2 ROs.
- Might ask Door Members who can't vote.
Think about questions for people who have nominationed
[KKZ] and [SVN] leave 17.56
Tentative/Future Events
Linux Desktop
- Week 4
Build and Break a PC
- Will be moved as it was scheduled for week 3
- Move to week 5
Tech Talks
- Multiple people
- Maybe run a conference like of Tech Talks over a few days
Artifacts Cleanup / Busy Bee
- Go through the boxes on the shelves
- They've been sitting there for a while
- Want someone who knows computer history to help committee go through the boxes to catolouge them
- Otherwise take photos of items and send it to discord to be identified
- For stuff we don't want put it up on websites ie. ebay
Club Collaboration
- Main events with collab will be Tech Talks
URC Keyboard Building Workshop
- Advertise it for next week
- Maybe sponsor some people to build keyboards when URC does it again later in the semester.
Door Applications
General Business
- Tidy up of clubroom before AGM
- Stock stuff in vending and snack machine
- Get new J&K Hopkins chairs
- The wheels on the old chairs are breaking
- Steam cleaner can clean the chairs and couch
Important/Get Done Soon
- Reminder bot - someone remind [SEB] to do this pls
- When creating UCC acounts, edit the code so new users have to put in their password twice
- According to [ROY] it has been fixed
Major plans/ideas to do this year
New equipment we should get
Action Items
Committee: update your handovers on wiki.
Committee: Discuss project night poster.
[KKZ] send AGM reminder announcement
[BLU] will make the ballots for the AGM.
[ROY] to solve
space issues.
End time
- 18.25pm