University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-11-16
Next meeting time
- Not confirmed
Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting
Circular Motions
- [BLU] Grace Fowler, President
- [SEB] Bones Gazey, Vice-President
- [GPO] Gary O'Donnovan, Treasurer
- [KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary
- [DOC] Diarmuid O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member
- [ROY] Roy Xu, Ordinary Committee Member
- [LHP] Lauren Pudney, Ordinary Committee Member
- [SVN] Lyla Peng, Fresher Representative
Start Time
- 18:38
Committee Reports
President's Report
- Done nothing.
Vice President's Report
- Went shopping for drink, with [LHP], needs to be reimbursed.
- Went to project night.
- Repped UCC at DDD
7:10 [KKZ] leaves
Secretary's Report
- Not reported.
Treasurer's Report
Westpac Main $6000.00
Westpac Savings $46,448.97
Westpac Card $312.65
Guild Account $1,149.31
Minecraft server stuff
Camp stuff
Other non-specific things I've forgotten
Fresher Rep's Report
- Not here.
OCM Reports
- few more updates on the backup
- jeez this already last almost 2 sems
- but it's "almost ready": validated backup data & some more stable scripts
- few more updates on the backup
- Started writing Rust Group Meetup email, in progress
- Some small camp stuff
- did drinks run with [SEB]
- drinks are still in my car lol
- went to project night
Action Items from previous meeting
- [SEB] to get Twinserver PSUs ordered
- Done. Ordered 3.
- [GPO] to follow up on [AJW] tech talk
- not done
- [DOC] to reach out to Rust user group in Perth.
- In progress, written, not sent.
- [SEB], [BLU], [GPO] will look into running some sort of chill event with alcohol old guard event.
- in progress
- [LHP] to contact CS dept and UWA to add UCC to CS degree handbook
- No progress.
- [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.
- No progress.
- [BLU], [GPO] to email Guild IT about cameras.
- No progress.
- Find a historian.
- No progress.
- [GPO] is making a UCC packing list for camp.
- kind of done
- [KKZ] to buy holiday decorations for clubroom.
- Not reported, assume no progress
Machine Technical Reports
Clubroom Machines
- No change
- Backup progressed, [ROY] wants more attention on validating & comments for the current script. Or else they will be deployed like they are at the moment.
- @ wheel+tech in discord and send them an email
- Discussion on WXYZ servers & new Intel server
- Should discuz with Wheel at tech meeting, be prepared to gather some new drives & some PCIe cards
New Equipment
4k monitor
Roys friend is selling monitor for $225
4k, 60Hz, 1 or 2 years old
27 inch - this takes up A LOT of space
not going to buy rip - takes up a lot of space, don't really need
aiming for 1080p/2k 144Hz+ for now
[LCY] bought garbage bags and paper towel, still needs to be reimbursed.
- Need to send committee a recipt
Drinks and Snacks
- [LHP] and [SEB] did a snacks run, also needs to be reimbursed.
External Entities
- Not checked
- Got $2,700 from grant after the 15% penalty
- Full amount we could get
Confirmed Events
Joint Camp
- Job roster confirmation
- Hardwares to bring
- Packing list is in discord
- 1 PC for VR
- 2~3 PC for generic usage
- Network setup, routing by [GPO]
- Switch: Loft for routing
- Projector & Screen
- All sorts of cables needed
- Powerboard & extension cable
- Peripherals
- Packing list is in discord
- ACTION: [SEB] and [ROY] to Setup network on field, [GPO] to advise; [KKZ] to set up VR; [LHP] and [DOC] to set up PCs
- We are connecting WAN from camp infra wirelessly
- wifi sounds cooked but o7
- By Lunch Saturday everything NEED to be ready: Network & games to distribute ready
- List: AoE II, Halo CE, Screencheat, Ultimate chicken horse, Quake
- ACTION: Commitee except [GPO] the campleader liable to host LAN event
- Rock band: Coxy will handle, we should assist him in setting up
- Le Transporteur: [GPO]:To & From, [SEB]:To & From
- 2 Cars confirmed at the moment
- [GPO] and [KKZ] leave 7.10
Club Collaboration
Uncharity Vigil
- UWAES formally joined.
UWAES Minecraft Server
- Reps are not here right now.
Closed Section
- [BLU] moves to move to closed section
- [LHP] seconds
- Unanimous.
- [BLU] moves to exit closed section
- [SEB] seconds
- Unanimous
- Closed Section
General Business
- We should try sell blacklight.
- Should try wipe old mail server/destroy drives on mooneye.
Important/Get Done Soon
Major plans/ideas to do this year
New equipment we should get
Action Items
- [LHP] to speak to her friend about being our historian
- [LHP] to speak to her ma (sheree pudney is the best!!) to see if uwa data insitute wants to sponser UCC
- [SEB] and [ROY] to Setup network on field [GPO] to advise
- [KKZ] to set up VR
- [LHP] and [DOC] to set up PCs
- Everyone excl. [GPO] to run LAN
End time
- 19:43