University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-09-28

Next meeting time

  • 4pm Saturdays

Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting

Circular Motions


  • [BLU] Grace Fowler, President
  • [SEB] Bones Gazey, Vice-President
  • [GPO] Gary O'Donnovan, Treasurer
  • [DOC] Diarmuid O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [ROY] Roy Xu, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [LHP] Lauren Pudney, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary


  • [SVN] Lyla Peng, Fresher Representative


Start Time


Committee Reports

President's Report

  • Went to 50th dindin - helped setup for dinner a bit on the day and day before
  • Bumped [GPO]s email to Kelvin
  • Chnged the webcam link in quick links to the door sensor link
  • Finished the 50th Anniversary photo slideshow
    • Will add photos from the dinner to it before distributing to everyone

Vice President's Report

  • ngl i dont remember if i did anything this week - i dont think so
  • wait! i lie! i helped jarcus lock up PCs, and i unplugged webcams
  • went to the 50th
  • helped setup

Secretary's Report

  • snooooooozed
  • went to SU Ball
  • went to 50th
  • she was honest and doesnt even know
  • Did go to guild tho!

Treasurer's Report

  • Westpac Main $9,092.55

  • Westpac Savings $45,015.02

  • Westpac Card $80.62

  • Guild Account $1,149.31

  • did the 50th

  • did organise tech talks!!!!!!

  • two weeks get hyyyype

  • omg moneys

  • acquired lapel mics

  • setup door sensor

  • LOOOOVES COFFINFISH (and does not want to upgrade it :( )

  • went to socpac (not interesting)

  • went to joint camp meeting

Fresher Rep's Report

  • Not here.

OCM Reports

  • [ROY]
    • 50th dinner & help out
    • wrote a brief placeholder page for webcam (skissue)
    • Camp meeting
    • can't remember more
  • [DOC]
    • Helped out and went to 50th dinner
    • Joint camp subcom meeting
  • [LHP]
    • Helped out and went to the 50th dinner

Action Items from previous meeting

  • [BLU] to find a historian. - In progress (thx [LHP])

  • [BLU], [GPO] to email UniIT about cameras.

    • in progress
  • Everyone to read the previously linked HERE to know which associations can self-assess.

    • [GPO] is an icon and basiclly said fuck em
  • [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

    • In progress
  • [GPO] will talk to people to see when they want to host a tech talk.

    • HE HAS!!!!!
    • @JARCUS
  • [KKZ] will contact CSSE and UWA websites to add UCC.

    • not done
    • [ROY] to help with CSSE office
  • [SEB], [BLU], [GPO] will look into running some sort of chill event with alcohol OLD GUARD EVENT [SEB], [BLU] ASK JACKIE.

    • in progress
  • [GPO] to follow up on loveday memorial fundraising.

    • money we and raffle tickets and auctions and shirts (?) is money to go towards loveday
  • [GPO], [ROY] to debug porcupine.

    • Actually meant to be corvo. In progress

Machine Technical Reports

Clubroom Machines

  • linux pcs good - sadly linux on steam a bit cooked
  • Porcupine will be dual boot after it's upgraded


  • [ROY] still setting up backups for everything
  • Maybe encrypting offsite backups
  • Potential rebuild the OS on R710s


  • Some weird ping issues mostly within esports and occasionally in UCC
  • [GPO] will follow up with regulars about it
  • Most likely something to do with UWA and not our networks
  • Still doing major UWA networks updates in buildings not related to us


  • [GPO] got lapel mics
  • Conference mic is still bad
    • Part of it is the room, it's also not a good mic
      • Maybe borrow UniSFA's mic
      • Setup our own systems for a mic

New Equipment

  • Will buy the mics from [GPO] after he remembers how much they are
  • Miguel got gaffer tape
    • Better duct tape. Cloth tape
    • [GPO] moves to reimburse [TMI] $15.96 for the purchase of gaffer tape
    • [SEB] seconds
    • Unanimous

Drinks and Snacks

  • Daniel [->|] bought Coke Zero and sent the recipt to [GPO]
    • Under the standing food and drink budget, we will reimburse Daniel $34

External Entities


  • [GPO] checked it last week. No new mail
  • [SEB] needs to pick up posters (someone pls remind them to do it)


  • Socpac meeting last week
    • Reminder about sem 2 grants and treasurer training
    • Reminder about webcams
    • Next socpac meeting will be important, elections for new socpac committee


  • Need to bug them about locker keys
  • New locks being installed next week
  • Webcams are down due to surveillance policy
  • Go through archives and get the photos we want before deleting them
    • Ultimately need to double check with Kelvin
      • Still waiting on his email reply

Other Entities

  • UniSFA now has a door sensor installed by [GPO]


Past Events

50th Anniversary Merchandise

  • People were happy with stickers (and their quality) and lanyards
    • 500 stickers for $85
  • Still a couple of shirts that need to be picked up
  • Sold a couple of extra shirts on the night

50th Anniversary Dinner

  • Payment to photographer

    • $260 = 4 hours@$65/hour

    • Will be paid tonight


  • ACTION: [BIRD] [BLU] Collecting 50th documents and media from all sources into one place on /services ?

    • [BLU] will upload all of the original photos
  • [NTU] leaves 5.40pm

    • Subcommittee minutes
      • Next meeting - [BLU] suggests around week of 2024-10-06--12 ? What DATE/TIME/VENUE?
        • Wrap-up/debrief/lessons learned
        • timeline for 2025
        • Will make a handover
        • Will organise the meeting with subcom and stream the meeting on discord
    • Quotes, budgets, invoices, receipts ( also copy to /home/other/committee/docs/2024/receipts )
      • Action [GPO] to do that
    • promotional designs/posters/pixel art/t-shirt
    • Photos
      • Michael-Hao Yang
      • [MDD]
      • Slideshow document
      • Webcam archive footage of UCC's Rainy Day hailstorm, 2010-03-22
    • Audio/Video/transcripts
      • Coxy did the transcript
      • [BLU] will download them and put it in the same folder
    • History questionnaire/interviews
      • [BIRD] and [BLU] will deal with that over the next couple weeks
  • Not many left over stickers and lanyards

    • Will sell them
  • Will keep a 50th shirt for the 75th Anniversary

  • Have a jolt child t-shirt. Will give it away to anyone who wants it

Confirmed Events

UCC x Esports Console

  • This Thursday 5pm in Cam Hall

  • [BLU] will make a poster/EMP

  • Wii in UCC

  • Switch in Eports

  • Xbox/atari in Esports

  • [GPO] can bring some consoles in and Wii games. Also controllers

Tech Talks


  • October 9th 3pm @ Room 302 Electrical Engineer Building

    • Data Storage Mediums
  • October 16th 3pm @ Room 302 Electrical Engineer Building

    • Enterprise Data Storage Technology
  • [GPO] doing EMP and advertising

Tentative/Future Events

Build & Break a PC

  • After exams


  • Food order from Superstock is taking ages

  • Most likely doing food order normally through Coles and Spudshed

  • Decided menu and events that will be run

  • EMP and budget done soon

  • Advertising and tickets will be up ASAP

  • Committee needs to fill out job roster

  • UCC events

    • LAN
      • Need help to run LAN as [GPO] won't be available
      • Sat afternoon
    • VR
    • Rockband
      • Coxy will run it
      • If he's unable to make it, [GPO] will bring his rockband
  • What to bring

    • In Overleaf there should be a list of what to bring
      • 3 PCs
      • Projector
      • Whiteboard
      • Cables

Social Event

  • Event with alchohol at the end of the year
  • [SEB] and [BLU] are going to look into organise one
  • Will be an event for meeting old guard


  • Next one will be sem break next year

Club Collaboration

Cameron Hall Quiz Night

  • need wrap-up meeting still

Door Applications

General Business

  • Do an event in the holidays

Important/Get Done Soon


Major plans/ideas to do this year

  • Starting to get our new server up and running

New equipment we should get

Action Items

End time
