UCC Annual General Meeting on the 3rd March 2022

UCC Annual General Meeting Minutes 2022 2022-03-04

  • Last committee minutes have been uploaded to the website.

UCC AGM 2022


  • [APA] Alistair Parkinson
  • [BLU] Grace Fowler
  • [BOB] Andrew Adamson
  • [BRD] Cormac Sharkey
  • [EGG] Alex Barker
  • [GPO] Gary O'Donovan
  • [HET] Nicholas Clements
  • [LCY] Lo Chien Yi
  • [LMH] Liam Hammond
  • [MPT] James Arcus
  • [MTL] Mark Tearle
  • [NTU] Nick Bannon
  • [TEC] Timothy Chapman
  • [TPG] John Hodge
  • [->|] Daniel Ledovsky
  • Freyja Dyson
  • Ming Han Ong
  • Samuel Lewis
  • Daniel Odijk
  • Ryan Alexander Hartono
  • James Osborne
  • Lara Frcej

Start Time

  • 17.37

Committee Reports

President's Report

  • Came into the role with big plans, but I didn't realise how big my honours year/project would be.
    • Overall, we've had a fairly decent year. None of the major steps forward I was hoping for, but no steps backwards.
    • Given how previous year have been, I'm fairly happy overall with this.
  • We have had an incredibly 'fresh' committee this year.
    • Over half the committee were new to their roles --- Half of executive, and most of our OCMs.
    • For the freshers in exec roles in particular, this has been fairly rough.
    • Events and subcommitteees seemed to work well for getting used to what being on committee is like, and getting to know the clubs.
  • We scrapped the "Reports" section from committee meetings.
    • Well, kind of. It's been written out in advance, read by commitee, and sent out --- but not discussed during the meeting.
    • Instead, we've jumped straight into the action items.
    • I think this has been a good change overall, and given committee meetings more of a sense of purpose by having a less meandering start.
  • Suggestions for next year's committee:
    • Try to keep going with the UniIT stuff, IMO it's fairly important for the club.
    • It would be great to do some minor renovations: replace desks, repaint walls, etc.
      • This is something I wanted to do but never got around to.
    • The club culture needs work. I'm not sure what actually need to be done to achieve this, but I think pushing the club culture back in the direction of "hacktivist" would be a very good shift.
      • Wheel has done a fantastic job of keeping things running, but I can't help but wonder if that's related to students seeming less prone to try poking things at UCC.
    • There's a lot of expertise in old UCC members, particularly with regards to all things technical. Don't hesitate to get advice from them.
    • Have a good time being on UCC's committee, and don't hesitate to push for changes you'd like to see in the club.

Vice President's Report

  • Well it certainly has been another year.
  • The start of 2021 feels so long ago I barely remember it other than running a good O-Day.
  • Massive shoutout to the 4 freshers on committee who did an amazing job, thrown into the deep end as they were.
  • I'm pretty happy with the lineup of events we ran have gone, though there's always opportunities for more.
    • Missed on some of the stretch goals/long term projects, but pretty happy with how the day-to-day events ran.
  • Very hyped to see what people have to suggest to run, or what they do when they get on committee.

Secretary's Report

  • Had a rough start as a fresher who had never been on a committee, let alone exec.
    • And someone who doesn't know how to code.
  • Got involved in alot of events. Those were fun.
  • Joined some subcoms.
  • Changed my name from Grace to Lilly and then decided I'm gonna use both.
  • Halfway through the year I discovered that other Cam Hall clubs existed and spent more time in Unigames than UCC, I nearly became Unigames Fresher Lilly instead of UCC Secretary Lilly.
  • UCC emails begun to clog up my uni inbox so I fell behind on UCC emails.
    • Thankfully I switched the forwarding before my uni email got disabled a couple days before semester as my password expired.
  • There were 98 paper members with 49 of them being freshers in 2021.
    • I haven't checked the website.
  • Definitely have more committee meetings so you don't generally have long meetings.

Treasurer's Report

  • I know my treasurer...ship perhaps wasn't the greatest this club has ever seen, but coming into it as a fresher, I guess it could have gone worse.
  • Had a good experience overall, but was pretty hectic sometimes, especially the grants OH GOD THE GRANTS.
  • As far as final account balances go:
    • Main Westpac Account - $3,887.34
    • Debit Card Account - $69.33
    • Term Deposit Account - $44,821.45
    • Guild Account - $3,219.07
  • Also, we sold (final totals a WIP sorry):
    • $2,709.04 worth of drinks

    • $1,601.81 worth of snacks

    • $694.41 worth of printed pages and memberships

  • I'll have income and balance statements available within a week or so, just got some entries to finish up.
  • May as well put grant money in here too:
    • $688.50 for Sem 1 Grant
    • $1,362.00 for Sem 2 Grant
  • And for the next treasurer, good luck! I'll still be around the clubroom a bunch, and am happy to help out with things (though how helpful I'll be may be up for debate a bit).

Fresher Rep's Report

  • Had a great year, talked to many people before vanishing for a month or so at the end :( apologies for that.
  • Ran multiple successful VR events, UCC should definitely do more of these in future.
  • Sorted a lot of boxes & cables. I am more of an elected cleaner.
  • Ready to combust.

OCM Reports


  • Joining the UCC committee as a fresher was a spur of the moment decision I made.
    • Didn't regret it mostly.
  • Got to be involved in lots of events and met some really cool wholesome people.
  • For better or for worse I probably spent the majority of my time at UCC.
  • Set my goal for the year to acquire the club sponsers by distributing prospectus pamphlets via email to potential sponsers.
    • Thanks to my tendancy to procrastinate on things, I never started it.
    • Sponsors still would be good, don't let us down 2022 committee.
    • Hopefully I was able to redeem my usefulness to the club from the occasional posters I made.
  • Won't be running for committee this year.
    • Had a good time while it lasted.


  • This year seemed to be a good one for the club.
  • I feel I did a poor job as a OCM, sorry about that.
  • I hope my successor can do better.


  • Absent


Appointment of Returning Officers

  • [TEC] Motions To: Appoint [BOB] and [TPG] as returning officers.
    • [MPT] seconds.
      • Unanimous.



  1. Conduct the relations of the Club with other organisations and to the general public subject to the authority of the Committee;
  2. Co-ordinate and supervise the work of the Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and other officers of the Club subject to the authority of the Committee;
  3. Generally carry out the policy of the Club; and
  4. Generally carry out the instructions and decisions of the Committee.
  • Basically:
    • The primary public face of the club.
    • To conduct relations of the club to other organisations and the public.
    • To coordinated the work of the committee.
    • To generally carry out the policy, rules etc. of the club and to carry out the instructions of the club.

Standing Nominations

  • None.


  • [BLU] nominates [BRD].

    • [BRD] accepts.
  • [LCY] nominates [BLU].

    • [BLU] accepts.


  • Bird on discord.

    • Been in club for two years.
    • On committee first year.
    • Enjoys the club alot and met new people.
    • Would like to push the club in a direction and have a chat about revitalisation.
  • Lilly, secretary for last year.

    • Even though first year on committee, I know what's happening in the club.
    • Don't know alot about tech, but about organizing people.
    • Second year now, not doing CS, doing Classics/Ancient history and Archaeology.


  • Would you go for any other roles on committee?

    • Cormac: VP, OCM
    • Lilly: Same
  • What would you like to change?

    • Lilly: Make things more modern, not a lot of freshers. Lots of old guard but want to involve more freshers and second years, want to see more fresh faces in the clubroom.
    • Cormac: Revitalise the clubroom. Would like to clean up the clubroom. Having people who come in who are technically minded and who use the hardware is great.


  • Cormac is elected President.

Vice President


  1. Assist in the President’s duties;
  2. Carry out Presidential duties during the absence of the President, during which time the VicePresident shall be deemed to be the President; and
  3. Generally carry out the instructions of the Committee.
  • Basically:
    • President Boogaloo if the president is away.
    • To assist the president.
    • To carry out role of committee.
    • Keeps the president and committee in check.

Standing Nominations

  • None.


  • [TEC] nominates [BLU].

    • [BLU] accepts.
  • [GPO] nominates [GPO].

  • [LCY] nominates [->|].

    • [->|] accepts.


  • Lilly: Definitely have a vision for the club, want to work with Cormac to make it happen.
  • Gary: Have found the club really really useful, having people to ask and that knowledge base. Want to get more people interested and not just those doing CS. Just want to help out, essentially.
  • Daniel: Very last minute suggestion. Understand the responsiblities of the VP include keeping committee projects running and enquiring into the progress. Welcome any beneficial changes, including innovation and marketing the club to new members. Didn't necessarily want this job but can take it if you really want me to.


  • Other roles?

    • Lilly: Just OCM.
    • Gary: Treasurer or OCM.
    • Daniel: Just OCM like initially indended.
  • Any other conflicting interests/commitments?

    • Lilly: No other commitments and don't intend to run elsewhere, also in Cameron Hall alot.
    • Gary: No, attend other clubs around Cameron Hall though.
    • Daniel: No, attend other CH club events quite regularly but find UCC quite welcoming.


  • [BLU] is elected Vice President.



  1. Maintain an up to date register of the members of the Club and the information required by the Act and, upon the request of a member of the Club, make the register available for the inspection of the member;
    1. A member may make a copy of or take an extract from the register but shall have no right to remove the register for that purpose.
  2. Carry out the administrative work of the Club for which the Committee does not appoint or elect an officer;
  3. Record the proceedings of all General Meetings and meetings of the Committee and make these minutes available in an easily accessible portion of the Club online presence;
  4. Conduct and keep copies of all correspondence to the Club;
  5. Generally carry out the instructions and decisions of the Committee relating to the administration of the Club;
  6. Ensure that an accurate copy of the Club constitution is maintained in an easily accessible portion of the Club online presence; and
  7. Unless the members resolve otherwise at a general meeting, have custody of all books, documents, records and registers of the Club, other than those required to be kept and maintained by, or in the custody of, the Treasurer.
  • Basically:
    • Write minutes and post them.
    • Create events.
    • Point of communication both internal and external to the club.
    • In charge of keeping lines of communication open.
    • In charge of making sure committee knows what is going on in between meetings.

Standing Nominations

  • None.


  • Lara nominates Lara.
  • [->|] nominates [->|].


  • Lara: Been apart of club for 2 years, organised person, can come to meetings online and record the minutes officially. Like having life scheduled. Can promote the club on social media.

  • Daniel: Like to improve typing speed, like to be present at meeting with not saying stuff, not alienated from updating minutes and the website, can also attend meeting reguarly on schedule where I can.


  • Other roles?
    • Both OCM.
  • Have you been on any other committees before?
    • No for both.
  • Anything about the club you'd like to change related to the role of secretary?
    • Lara: Welcome the club to new people who come in.
    • Daniel: It would be good that someone can describe all the inventory the club processess, tag stuff in the club. Take inventory and make it more acessable.
  • Will be willing to use instagram and facebook?
    • Both yes.
  • How are you with the other clubs?
    • Lara: Know some people from other clubs.
    • Daniel: Lurks in the other clubs.
  • What can you do to get UCC out there and people not on campus atracted to the club?
    • Lara: Events online, gaming to anyone.
    • Daniel: With lara, online activism, gaming, it could be done.


  • Lara is elected Secretary.



  1. Be responsible for the receipt of all moneys paid to or received by, or by him or her on behalf of, the Club and issue receipts for those moneys in the name of the Club;
  2. Keep accounting records as correctly record and explain the financial transactions and financial position of the Club, in such a manner that permits convenient and proper auditing;
  3. Render an account at each meeting of the Committee of all receipts and payments since the previous meeting;
  4. Render an account of the petty cash at each meeting of the Committee;
  5. Furnish the Committee with such other accounts and information relating to the finances of the Club as the Committee may require;
  6. Present a current financial statement showing all receipts and payments at each Ordinary General Meeting and by motion of Committee, an auditor’s report at the Annual General Meeting;
  7. Unless the members resolve otherwise at a general meeting, have custody of all securities, books and documents of a financial nature and accounting records of the Club; and
  8. Generally carry out the instructions of the Committee relating to the property and finances of the Club.
  • Generally:
    • Watch money and watch it go by.
      • Wish you have money (personally you).
    • UCC has a lot of assets and money.
      • It's a both a blessing and a curse.
        • It's a blessing in that we are able to do a lot with it.
        • It's a curse as it's a lot to manage.
    • Generally not difficult as a job.
      • Mostly count money in safe and watch dispense logs.
      • Almost no one ever cheats dispense.
    • Make sure that you keep on top of things.
      • If you leave for awhile; things pile up very quickly.
      • If you intend to go away for a long period of time either don't run or put someone else in charge.
    • Roughly 1hr work / month.
      • Occasionally has to work with inter-club events subcommittee representatives.
    • It is actually very very easy as long as you stay roughly on top of things and don't spend too much money.

Standing Nominations

  • None.


  • [GPO] nominates [GPO].
  • Ming nominates Ming.


  • Gary: Helping out club and sorting out finances, has a bit of experience and keeping club running smoothly.
  • Ming: Been in club a couple of years, been using dispense, nice to know how it works and helping the club with it. Enjoys accounting, did commerce as a second major, can help contribute automating user add money to account and membership without dealing with cash, and checking the safe.


  • What other roles?
    • Both OCM.
  • How much time do you spend in UCC?
    • Ming: Spent more time on remote services, doesn't come into clubroom often, on campus frequently.
    • Gary: 10 hours a week, want to hang around the club room more.
  • Broad roles to do with committee?
    • Gary: Stuff on the backburner, etfs, assistance in getting funds helping with clean up clubroom.
    • Ming: Helping clubroom more feeling to people, cleaning clubroom, etfs, always have enough funds in the future, as a tech club not falling behind.
  • If you had 3k what would you spend it on?
    • Gary: Refresh of the clubroom, proper clean, professionally done.
    • Ming: Cleaning room, refurbish or replacing old or damaged furniture.
  • If you got elected in a different position or not at all, would you be willing to help committee with those goals?
    • Ming: Yes, can pitch to committee, hey I made a prototype.
    • Gary: Harder to do treasurer stuff if not on committee, up to help around with stuff on club.
  • If something happened to Sec and Vice? How comfortable are you with doing it?
    • Gary: Nominated for vice prez, just getting stuff done around the club, fundraising, whatever.
    • Ming: Didn't run for the roles, not up alley, if something happens, make sure roles as treasurer are filled and help other exec members if they need help.


  • Gary is elected Treasurer.

Fresher Representative


  1. Represent the interests of members of the Club who are in first year University or who have not previously been members of the Club;
  2. Assist the other Committee Members in the executions of their duties, especially in the case were they relate to new members; and
  3. Bear any responsibilities that the Committee shall from time to time decide.
  • Basically:
    • To represent the freshers of the club.
    • To try get the freshers more involved with the club.
    • To introduce the freshers to the club.
    • To try and make next year more smooth.

Standing Nominations

  • None.


  • [BRD] nominates Conor.
    • Conor isn't here, though by text he has accepted.



  • Conor is elected as Fresher Representative by default.

Ordinary Committee Members (3 positions)


  1. Assist the other Committee Members in the executions of their duties; and
  2. Bear any responsibilities that the Committee shall from time to time decide.
  • Basically:
    • Help.
    • Pack-horse.
    • You get to have a say.
    • You do not need to be good at computers.

Standing Nominations

  • None.


  • [MPT] nominates Ming.
    • Ming accepts.
  • [LMH] nominates [LMH].
  • [LCY] nominates [->|].
    • [->|] accepts.
  • [GPO] nominates [LCY].
    • [LCY] declines.
  • [MPT] nominates [MPT].


  • Ming: Tried to run for treasurer, have a bunch of ideas for club direction, ocm is good.

  • Liam: Will be around club a lot, been on committee before.

  • Daniel: I'm really an ordinary person, position is a way for ordinary people to become extraordinary.

  • James: Ran to make it not default, have a lot of experience, to help while on committee or not, though will not be a student halfway through.


  • Would you run for exec?
    • Ming: No.
    • Liam: Probs not.
    • Daniel: Quite likely.
    • James: No.


  • Ming, Liam and Daniel are elected as OCM's.

  • [BOB] Moves To: Reinstate standing orders.

    • [TPG] seconds.
      • Unanimous
  • James and Freyja leave 7.04.

  • Freyja enters 7.08.

  • Daniel and Ryan leave 7.09.

General Business

Motion 1:

  • This resolution is made in accordance with the University Computer Club Inc. Investments Policy as detailed in section 1 of Appendix 1 of the Constitution.

  • The University Computer Club Inc. hereby resolves to set aside the previous investment resolution^1.

  • [TEC] Moves the following, look at the first dot point under motion 1.
    • [HET] seconds.
      • Unanimous.

Motion 2:

  • This resolution is made in accordance with the University Computer Club Inc. Investments Policy as detailed in section 1 of Appendix 1 of the Constitution.

  • The club resolves to set aside the sum previously residing in the Club's term deposits, in addition to those funds designated for reinvestment under the previous investment resolution, as an investment as follows:

  • 1 The initial sum shall be invested in an exchange traded fund or funds (ETFs) where each ETF satisfies the following criteria: 1.1 The ETF shall be traded on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX), 1.2 The ETF must target at least 25% Australian assets, 1.3 The management fees shall be under 0.5% per annum, 1.4 The fund issuer shall have been operating for at least 10 years, 1.5 The fund itself shall have existed for at least 3 years, 1.6 The minimum fund size shall be one hundred million Australian dollars, 1.7 The dividend payment interval shall be no longer than quarterly.

  • 2 The funds shall be invested in broad exposure ETFs, such that: 2.1 The target value split shall be 50% medium-risk or lower ETFs, 2.2 When new capital or dividends are invested, funds shall be purchased with a goal of returning the split to the target so far as is possible, 2.3 The minimum value split shall be 30% medium-risk or lower ETFs, 2.4 The Committee should take reasonable steps to maintain the value split within the specified range.

  • 3 Dividends received from the investment shall be reinvested in the principal such that the principal grows by at least the CPI of the previous calendar year plus one percentage point: 3.1 Should the dividend be insufficient, it shall be reinvested in its entirety, 3.2 Such reinvestment shall occur at least annually, 3.3 Where funds designated for reinvestment cannot be reinvested immediately, they shall be maintained in a separate reserve account of the club until they can be reinvested, 3.4 Funds in the reserve account are considered part of the investment, 3.5 The Committee shall have the power to move funds from the reserve account to another bank account so as to maximise the interest generated by those funds.

  • 4 Access to the investment, including the reserve account, shall require the written approval of two members of the Executive.

  • 5 The funds in this investment may only be accessed in accordance with the terms of this resolution, or a subsequent resolution passed in a General Meeting.

  • 6 This resolution shall be revisited at the 2023 AGM.

  • [TEC] Moves That: We adopt the motion as moved by [BOB].

    • [TPG] seconds.
      • Unanimous.

Motion 2 Amendment 1:

  • [BOB] Moves: the following amendments to Motion 2 below,
    • [TEC] seconds.
      • 2 abstentions, everyone else in favour.

Change section 1 to read: 1 Monies designated as part of the investment shall be invested in an Exchange Traded Fund or funds (ETFs) where each ETF satisfies the following criteria: <remainder of the section as-before>

Change section 2 in its entirety to read: 2 The funds shall be invested in broad exposure ETFs, such that: 2.1 When new capital is invested or dividends are re-invested, units shall be purchased with a goal ensuring there is a minimum of 50% medium-risk-or-lower ETFs so far as is possible. 2.2 The Committee should take reasonable steps to ensure the value split does not fall below a limit of 30% medium-risk or lower ETFs, in the scenario where the value split has otherwise varied.

Change section 4 to read: 4 Access to the investment, including the reserve account, shall require the written approval of two members of the Executive. Such approval may be in the form of dual approval via an online trading platform. This is intended as a security measure against a single malicious actor and is in addition to any other financial approval processes the club has.

And an additional section before the current section 6: The Committee may, from time to time, buy and sell ETF shares within the aforementioned conditions so as to maximise the long-term return to the club.

Motion 2 incorporating Amendment 1

  • 1 Monies designated as part of the investment shall be invested in an Exchange Traded Fund or funds (ETFs) where each ETF satisfies the following criteria: 1.1 The ETF shall be traded on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX), 1.2 The ETF must target at least 25% Australian assets, 1.3 The management fees shall be under 0.5% per annum, 1.4 The fund issuer shall have been operating for at least 10 years, 1.5 The fund itself shall have existed for at least 3 years, 1.6 The minimum fund size shall be one hundred million Australian dollars, 1.7 The dividend payment interval shall be no longer than quarterly.

  • 2 The funds shall be invested in broad exposure ETFs, such that: 2.1 When new capital is invested or dividends are re-invested, units shall be purchased with a goal ensuring there is a minimum of 50% medium-risk-or-lower ETFs so far as is possible. 2.2 The Committee should take reasonable steps to ensure the value split does not fall below a limit of 30% medium-risk or lower ETFs, in the scenario where the value split has otherwise varied.

  • 3 Dividends received from the investment shall be reinvested in the principal such that the principal grows by at least the CPI of the previous calendar year plus one percentage point: 3.1 Should the dividend be insufficient, it shall be reinvested in its entirety, 3.2 Such reinvestment shall occur at least annually, 3.3 Where funds designated for reinvestment cannot be reinvested immediately, they shall be maintained in a separate reserve account of the club until they can be reinvested, 3.4 Funds in the reserve account are considered part of the investment, 3.5 The Committee shall have the power to move funds from the reserve account to another bank account so as to maximise the interest generated by those funds.

  • 4 Access to the investment, including the reserve account, shall require the written approval of two members of the Executive. Such approval may be in the form of dual approval via an online trading platform. This is intended as a security measure against a single malicious actor and is in addition to any other financial approval processes the club has.

  • 5 The funds in this investment may only be accessed in accordance with the terms of this resolution, or a subsequent resolution passed in a General Meeting.

  • 6 The Committee may, from time to time, buy and sell ETF shares within the aforementioned conditions so as to maximise the long-term return to the club.

  • 7 This resolution shall be revisited at the 2023 AGM.

End Time

  • 19.17