The University Computer Club's Annual General Meeting 2025-03-10
- [BLU] Grace Fowler, President
- [SEB] Bones Gazey, Vice-President
- [GPO] Gary O'Donnovan, Treasurer
- [KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary
- [SVN] Lyla Peng, Fresher Representative
- [DOC] Diarmuid O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member
- [ROY] Roy Xu, Ordinary Committee Member
- [I2N] Lorenzo Iannuzzi
- [ZPH] Anthony Do
- Isobella Gray
- Krys Maher
- [TWA] Freya Andromeda
- [BRZ] Bryce O'Connor
- [LIZ] Liz Thatcher
- Jackie Shan
- Zhenhao Jiang
- [BIRD] Cormac Sharkey
- Lexie O'Brien
- [BGR] Finn Gearon
- Angus Prosser
- [NIX] Nicholas Chanley
- [JLG] Jasmine Gilbert
- Mani Dashti
- [LHP] Lauren Pudney, Ordinary Committee Member
Start Time
- 13:23
Acknowledgment of Country
- We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which we work and pay our respects to Indigenous Elders past, present and emerging. Sovereignty has never been ceded. It always was and always will be, Aboriginal land.
Committee Reports
President's Report
I am grateful and proud to have been your 41st president these past 2 years, serving with my amazing fellow committee members past and present. When I was elected president last year, my main goal was to help run an anniversary event for our big milestone of the club turning 50 years old. And I think I achieved that goal and surpassed it. This year’s committee, as well as the subcommittee helped me pull together an exquisite sit down dinner that went smoothly. I got to listen to various speeches from past presidents and see how the club has changed over the decades, as well as talk to UCC members who were around when our club was formed. I also designed some sticker merch, and we still have a few 50th t-shirts available to buy.
Some of the other things I did last year besides chairing meetings was, making a website for the anniversary
Put together a slide show of over 600 UCC related pictures and printed some of those photos to display at events.
Updated Readme in the discord.
Updated the president handover.
Was on the 2024 Charity Vigil subcom and 2025 Uncharity Vigil subcom.
Unfortunately, my pet project over the years of updating the wiki events page fell to the wayside this past year, but I'll eventually finish it.
I will not run for committee this year as my time has passed and will finally be an actual compsci student, instead of being a forever admin exec. And I wish everyone who has been nominated good luck. And even if you aren't elected, you can apply to be on door, if you wish to help our club run smoothly.
And lastly, I want to say a huge thank you to all of our members, regular or not. Thank you for supporting the club I love and coming to our events and engaging with the discord. Thank you for continuing to support and engage with UCC and I hope you stick around for a long time to see UCC flourish and prosper.
Vice President's Report
- err, I don’t do speeches, and am writing this <30 mins before the agm - thanks all, was fun being VP
- things I did this year
- Created the legend that is Coffinfish.
- Deafened the clubroom at least 7 times.
- Setup a terminal at Oday twice.
- Annoyed Gary numerous times with my
brilliantideas. - Probably did at least 3 of my action items.
- Was responsible for 2 PSUs explosions (only one took down the Wi-Fi to be fair).
- Annoyed someone into running a tech talk.
- Was probably behind every sketchy and or not very sensible idea the club had this year.
- Discovered we used to have a hovercraft (bring it back).
- I guess I did run a bunch of other events too, but those are less fun to count, although:
- Ran a t-shirt creation workshop.
- Ran Artemis LAN.
- Organised NixOS tech talk.
- Helped with the 50th.
- there were more, but I can't remember, if you really want to know go read the committee minutes lol.
- Thanks for the year, overall had a fun time, looking forward to bringing more stupid ideas to life.
Secretary's Report
This last year has been a really amazing experience and I'm incredibly grateful to everyone in UCC. I got to know so many people better, and sometimes you guys are the only thing stopping me from quitting uni altogether when it gets tough.
I was the UCC host for the 2024 Cam Hall Quiz Night which I've always wanted to try and it was super fun!!!!
I was also on the subcom for UniLAN again this year which has been amazing seeing it grow from a little CSSC x UWAES games night to an inter-university monolith with over 150 attendees.
I tried Artemis LAN for the first time at the LAN party.
I was on the Cam Hall Minecraft Server subcom both times.
We had some amazing 50th anniversary events, I attended them all and I helped out for the Anniversary Dinner, and it was an absolutely amazing night.
- I also wear my UCC 50th shirt often, and I usually hate t-shirts so that means a lot.
I had an amazing time again at Joint Camp, even though I had to leave early :cry: . I had loads of fun (especially garage band) and helped with some cooking.
I've had a busy start to 2025.
- I helped run the UCC stall at EMS Expo and ODay.
- I organised lecture bashing for all the level 1 CITS units and updated a bunch of our flyers around campus.
- I ran the Fresher Welcome with [SEB], and we had an absolutely amazing turnout!!
- I also successfully saw my pet project, a Linux/vm workshop aimed at 1st year CS students, through to completion with the help of committee!
I also organised with Jasmine a Gals, Gays and Genders brunch for UCC x UWAES which hopefully we can do more diversity focused events like this for the tech space.
- Also went to a bunch of UWAES x UCC events, which hopefully I can help organise more of this year!!
I feel like I could go on forever if I really wanted so I’ll end it here, thank you so, so much to everyone and I'll see you around this year!!
Treasurer's Report
Hi all, been busy this year.
Camp Leader, Uncharity 2025, 50th anniversary dinner, two laser tag collabs with eSports and Unigames, two more UniLANs, workshops, I've done a lot of events this year.
I also designed the best 50th anniversary t-shirt and made it in spite of everyone else.
- It came to me in a dream.
Also a bunch of tech stuff, too many to list
Financial Report:
- We had $55,231.60 in assets as of the end of 2024.
- We have $6,564.60 in dispense liability as of the end of 2024.
- Once again, this is part of having given a bunch of new members $5 dispense credit for several years and then they never used it.
- We brought in $25,124.94 of revenue last year.
- This is not including profit distribution from the other clubs for 2024 Camp, as it came in after the new year / after Guild Finance started migrating their system and not reporting transactions made in the mean-time.
- We had $28,010.05 of expenses last year.
- Significant amount was Camp and the Anniversary Dinner, as we paid nearly all the camp expenses and anniversary dinner was EXPENSIVE ($8739.540).
- We made $330.39 in interest.
- Rates are still decent on Westpac savings
- We made $4208.45 from grants.
- Despite getting a penalty due to missing a SOCPAC meeting on my birthday (grrrrrrrr).
- We made $4963.79 from dispense.
- Ballin.
- We made $1638.65 from membership!
- Not a round number due to Square transaction fees.
- 186 members last year!
I've been treasurer for three years. I hope this is my last, but it's really not a bad role. You do learn a lot about bookkeeping and how to sell stuff from managing dispense, and I think it's a good role for someone who has discipline to check dispense every week :)
Fresher Rep's Report
Hi everyone!
It’s been a valuable experience being part of UCC’s committee this year. I’d like to thank all the committee members for your great work and everyone in the community for keeping this club vibrant and thriving.
These are the things I’ve done throughout the year:
- Attended many events like Console Gaming Night, Fresher Welcomes, and Project Nights.
- Helped at Club Carnival. We attracted lots of new sign-ups, and it was a big success!
- Helped with planning the fresher tables at Cameron Hall Quiz Night.
- Helped at Fresher Welcome.
- And I have been waving hello in the Discord welcome channel to keep new members feeling welcome.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to contribute to UCC this year. Wishing the club continued success in the coming years — thanks again for making this experience so meaningful!
OCM Reports
- Helped at 1 charity vigil, 2 uncharity vigils, UniLAN, Camp, 50th anniversary dinner, O-day, Fresher Welcomes, EMS Expo, some tech talks.
- Went to almost all project nights.
- Did a whole bunch of wheel stuff, pushed one big project the UCC backup significantly.
- Said "spending avg 10hr pw in clubroom" last year's AGM, think that's fulfilled
- It was such an amazing year with you all :)
- "I made this speech shorter than usual because I lack the time to make it longer." -- Not Pascal
This has been my first year on committee and I've enjoyed it so much! While it seemed extremely daunting to me at first, it's been a great experience, and one that has helped me become more confident as well!
Some of the things I've done this past year include having:
- Helped out with running the Club Carnivals, the EMS Expo and O-Day.
- Helped out at the Sem 1 and Sem 2 UniLANs.
- Organised UCC's collection of discs in the machine room with [KKZ].
- Helped to organise the 50th anniversary events on the subcommittee.
- This was a highlight for me, it was really great seeing all the combined work over months that was put into it come together so well.
- Made merch for the 50th anniversary!
- Made pixel art stickers based on the UCC clubroom and Tux banner!
- Made the digital version of the 50th t-shirt based on [JLG]'s winning design.
- Worked alongside [BIRD] on the 50th anniversary mousepad design.
- Made some minor changes to the Discord Onboarding and kept it up to date with some of the UCC events over the year
- Helped to organise and run Joint Camp on the subcommittee.
- The event as a whole ran well and was very fun!
- Quite enjoyed writing parts for and running the quiz night on camp with [ROY] as the UCC reps, which I'm glad to say we received positive feedback for!
It's a truly unique and rewarding experience helping to run UCC, and I've loved being able to meet and get to know so many of you, and I'm hopeful to get to know some of new faces around the club this year as well!
I'd like to say a massive thank you to the outgoing committee for being so kind and accepting, you guys are amazing and it's been truly great working together this past year!
Hi everyone! Thanks for the fun year, UCC committee has been a really rewarding experience and I’m super grateful to the club and committee for all the support. I’ve done the usual OCM things this year, including:
- Helping to run cam hall quiz night,
- Helping out at joint camp,
Over the year I’ve learnt a lot, especially about how committee runs, event organisation, and guild stuff. It has also been wonderful to get to know the UCC community, participating in and helping out with events has always been an amazing experience, and it’s been really great to meet so many amazing, cool, and knowledgeable people.
Although I won’t be reapplying, I’m super excited to see what newmittee get up to and would encourage anyone who is interested to run for committee!
Appointment of Returning Officers
[BIRD] and Mani
[BLU] moves to remove seconding
- [GPO] seconds.
- Unanimous
[BLU] motions to dissolve committee.
- Unanimous.
- Conduct the relations of the Club with other organisations and to the general public subject to the authority of the Committee;
- Co-ordinate and supervise the work of the Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and other officers of the Club subject to the authority of the Committee;
- Generally carry out the policy of the Club; and
- Generally carry out the instructions and decisions of the Committee.
Standing Nominations
- Gary O'Donovan
- Lorenzo Iannuzzi
- hello everyone
- most of u know me
- I've been treasurer for 3 yrs
- member since 2020
- final year of masters
- looking to continue on as president this year
- treasurer for 3 years
- want to revitalise more of the clubroom.
- we have been working on upgrading the tech in the clubroom
- want to spend money coming in on upgrades
- want to get more collaborations with clubs
- e.g. unilan and on-campus collabs with esports, urc, etc
- I have 3 years experience and I know almost everything there is to know about the club
- I could fill any position on committee, and that is a good fit for president.
hi I’m Lorenzo I’m a philosophy student
my passion for computers isn’t only stem, but a passion for tech for its own sake.
throughout my time at ucc and uwa I’ve been heavily involved in the clubs’ scene
was 2024 pride co-officer, 2023 ucc vice pres, 2023 & 2022 unisfa trez
experienced different committees and environments
- know how to ask for help when needed
despite my love for the club, membership retention is down
- we need to try something new
my passion for ucc will give me the ability to bring somewhat fresh experience to ucc
summary: if you want to see UCC at it's best, vote for what the club will be, not what it was.
Why do you want this position/any projects you plan to do?
- Gary
- Continue the work I’ve been doing in regard to revitalising the clubroom, encouraging collaboration.
- like that it leads you to learn by yourself and
- would not have been able to learn as much if it wasn’t for club
- e.g. upgrading new tech and tools.
- run as many intro tech talks, to encourage new members.
- Lorenzo
- tech talks, intros are great but we need to be diversifying.
- looking at collaborations with places where compsci students will work in the future.
- lots of industries work with computers not just compsci
- want to do more chill social events
- e.g. BBQ, restaurant, etc.
- Want to make the club more accessible, some things we do now are difficult to break into.
- want to make a sandbox type environment for freshers to not be scared to break stuff.
- president allows you to delegate to committee what they should do to make the club what it should be
- Gary
Do you have any other commitments?
- my degree
- will probably start working at UWAIT again in a few weeks.
- Honour student degree so have a decent amount of time as I’m writing dissertation.
- work 12 hrs a week, can reduce hours if it gets too busy.
Are you nominating for any other positions on the UCC committee/other clubs?
- nominated for VP, OCM at the moment.
- if need be, treasurer is an option (I’d rather not)
- no other clubs
- Nominated for treasurer and OCM, may go for VP
How often will you be in Cam Hall/UCC?
- around every proj night
- will be working at uwa anyway, so after work and before uni
- on the weekends as well
- probably 3 days a week
- at least 4 days a week
- happy to come in during weekends
as president you play a big part in how the club exists, what is your vision for what UCC should look like, how does it differ for how it currently looks like
- lots of people who are willing to learn and use the tools. there are some people currently in the club but there are a lot of people who aren’t active members.
- updating stuff so they are encouraged to go in
- culture change to get people into more proj and teach themselves
- want to see a group of interests coming together under the UCC umbrella
- lots of ppl are starting their own tech clubs instead of coming to UCC and making space here.
- to have different communities come under one club and one banner.
- we have a tech system which probably needs a decent update, as its hard to get in to for freshers
- we have a lot of stuff that happens in our own time that could be highlighted better
ucc as a club has the liberty of not being a tech club and locked down in a specific area. do you see UCC moving into bigger collaborations with clubs outside the tech space.
- of course, its a difficult because it's def easier to work with collaborate interests in tech but we could look into working on other bigger clubs, e.g. microbiology club on QE2 that doesn’t have much interaction otherwise.
- it is difficult, but it's something id like to work on over the years.
- club needs to start focusing on the future of comp sci as a whole.
- it shouldn’t be too much of a hassle, we can work on it by sem2
- we could start with more related clubs e.g., physics, QFin, then we can branch out.
- want to tie it in with tech talks, invite people in from specific fields to show CS isn’t just webapps etc, there's a broad application.
what's your experience with chairing meetings.
- unofficially, not that much bc I’ve been treasurer
- officially, I’ve chaired subcoms
- as VP I got experience in chairing meetings
- chaired subcoms and guild council meetings.
a big part of being president is making sure the club interacts with entities like guild effectively, how confident are you at communicating with entities like that
- Gary
- fairly confident, have been dealing with SOC for grants and ACC for charity registration, other entities etc.
- Lorenzo
- previous role as treasurer I interacted with soc.
- experience on guild so has a connection and knows people on guild from that time.
- in terms of other orgs ACNC don't have heaps of experience with but confident
- time on guild has helped me learn how to communicate with broader stakeholders.
- Gary
president has a large workload, how confident are you confident at delegating workload
- I’ve become a lot more trusting in delegating workload to people.
- I hope I will be quite good at it and think I will be able to manage workload quite easily.
- I can delegate, but I also think that the way we run meetings delegating can be done quite easily and people do things they are interested in.
- should also be making sure anyone knows what they need to do.
- Gary is Prez
Fresher Representative
- Represent the interests of members of the Club who are in first year University or who have not previously been members of the Club;
- Assist the other Committee Members in the executions of their duties, especially in the case were they relate to new members; and
- Bear any responsibilities that the Committee shall from time to time decide.
Standing Nominations
- Krys Maher
- Zhenhao (Howard) Jiang
- didn’t know I had to do a speech
- I’m Krys I use they/them
- studying bach adv compsci
- saw UCC at the EMS expo with Gary weird the hat
- joined on ODay because I’ve always been interested in all sorts of stuff to do with computers.
- didn’t know about frep until I got nominated.
- just want to show UCC to more freshers (considering the fact there are only 2 freshers here)
- I also didn’t prepare a speech.
- international student from China
- honours in software engineering
- liked to do programming since high school, like webdev
- trying to learn more backend languages
- have my own server at home
- I like helping people.
- many tech oriented spaces can be considered a little toxic.
- would like to help as a frep to get over that barrier
- so they can ask questions and overcome the anxiety of it.
- big fan of the UCC intro to Linux program.
- would like to help out with that.
- would like to provide feedback from a newbie standpoint.
Why do you want this position/any projects you plan to do?
- as frep it would be cool to be able to showcase my love for computers to freshers
- and for them to have the same welcoming experience I’ve had in my time.
- no specific ideas, would like to try and get more freshers into the club and be encouraging.
- would like to assist freshers new to computers
- like the intro to Linux program and would like to help out
- would like to extend the intro to ... program.
- e.g. using Linux as your main machine.
- also self hosting and server technologies.
- its hard to convince people to completely switch to Linux, but you can encourage them to practise on a server
Do you have any other commitments?
- Krys
- apart from my degree, nothing else
- Howard
- a bit busy, I am doing a double degree somewhere else online too this semester.
- pretty self organised so should be ok with organising and managing time.
- Krys
Are you nominating for any other positions on the UCC committee/other clubs?
- Krys
- nope
- Howard
- not in ucc but going for tommy Moore frep.
- Krys
How often will you be in Cam Hall/UCC?
- Krys
- when I’m not in class I’m either at home eating food or in ucc clubroom.
- tend to hang out in between classes on breaks every day except Fridays.
- Howard
- live on campus so am close if anyone needs me.
- have some commitments.
- Krys
Can approach and fulfil the needs of freshers, we are having retention rate issues with freshers, what do you think we could do.
- what made me stay are the machines, and the help I’m getting with my units. e.g. setting up my vm.
- to keep people around encourage them to get help with their units.
- being a hub to introduce them to the university itself.
- lots of people join the club because its their hobbies,
- know people who are doing CS/software who aren’t in this club because they have other interests and are just doing CS for career.
- Could have more opportunities for show and tell, I have met a lot of interesting people with lots of unique things.
UCC doesn't have a super strong community of freshers. what strategies would you have to try and create a relationship between freshers.
- fresher welcome was nice to meet people doing the same/similar degrees.
- maybe hosting more fresher events towards the beginning of the semester.
- could help with it being less awkward and intimidating for freshers.
- agree with Krys
- computing is a massive area, with lots of branches. would be good to know what specific interests of the cohort are.
- could have more in-depth discord roles.
[SVN] leaves 14:24
- Krus Maher is the First Year Representative for 2025.
Vice President
- Assist in the Presidents duties;
- Carry out Presidential duties during the absence of the President, during which time the Vice President shall be deemed to be the President; and
- Generally carry out the instructions of the Committee.
Standing Nominations
- Ariel Carter
Gary O'Donovaninelligible
[NIX] nominates Lorenzo
- Lorenzo accepts
Roy nominates Diarmuid
- Diarmuid declines
- Been sec for 2 years and ocm before. want to be vp because it'd be good and have lots of ideas for events. put stuff in action. people person, welcome and encouraging. been lecture bashing tell fresher. collab stuff with esports. know people on committee. colab with cfc know people on committee go to their events. do more intro events, so people aren't intimidated when joining ucc. want to represent club and be welcoming and talk to people, use ucc to procrastinate uni work. will remember to do stuff and yell at people, can do that. temp whip for Minecraft esports server
- not gonna repeat everything in prez speech. structure thing to change to strength and grow. need to be a good worker with prez and not always agreeing with them and pointing out when wrong. know Gary entire time at uwa and can do that. projects will still be the same, focus on club collab with stuff we don’t do, outside tech, guild. been vp before, know duties of vp. wasn’t best vp in 2023, matured have more experience in role.
Why do you want this position/any projects you plan to do?
- Been sec and it was fun, want to move on, don’t lobe minuting and don't want to do that and bureaucrat stuff. have more energy for events and being around more. projects have in head, continue intro to Linux and more game nights. Doing cyber sec and doing more events for the course
- Projects same. Not as important when making big decisions, can focus on operation side. make sure your whip and stuff is happening. can and happy to whip
Do you have any other commitments?
- Ari
- Technically have a job and have full time study (3 units)
- Lorenzo
- honour student. have a job, 2 days a week.
- Ari
Are you nominating for any other positions on the UCC committee/other clubs?
- ari
- OCM for UCC and not for any other clubs
- Lorenzo
- trez and ocm for ucc
- ari
How often will you be in Cam Hall/UCC?
- ari
- fairly often. good to procrastinate, there’s vives and laptop is annoying.
- ari
- 4 days
How can you deal with complaints? Are you confident in approaching them with level head and can get the best outcome, professionally?
- ari
- have experience with this with talking to guild. get protective of people. want to make a reporting or suggestion form, because it can be intimidating if not anonymous or going to people. will fight for inclusivity or harassment, close to heart.
- Lorenzo
- been a strong believe in fairness. important to give opportunity to explain themselves if there’s a complaint about them. dealt with stuff like this with pride, conting to icu, going to guild tribunal.
- ari
Do you think you'll be a good whip?
- Ari
- Some action items stull there for long time, can’t force people to do stuff but can set reminders for people. focus on people doing stuff they want to do to benefit the club instead of slogging through action item they don’t want to do. if there’s a reason it's not being done. can work with them to get it done.
- Lorenzo
- as an incorporated organisation some stuff we have to do. some stuff we've been putting off for too long even though we have to is unacceptable. meet with people who have to do it and ask what’s happening. don’t want to push it on them, but do they not understand what they have to do? will sit down with people so it gets done.
- Ari
What do you plan to do when committee energy level is low, how will you make sure it will function? And your own energy is low.
- ari
- have experience with that, not great health. only way to deal with that is to plan ahead, can’t force people to have energy. have a longer-term plan and implement deadlines so we can get stuff done early and have a deadline for people to do it. can delegate tasks to other people. don’t want people to hate doing stuff on committee. good to get regular members involved in action items, people who want to help but its not on committee and wants to get involved
- Lorenzo
- ideally energy isn't at the same level as everyone. delegation can help if I can’t do something, someone else can do it. for rest of committee, never seen ucc have committee bonding, like going bowling or going to the beach, isn’t always possible, but something we should do. people don’t go to club if they don’t have a connection, best way to deal with it is committee bonding. make sure people on committee are safe and want to engage. call out toxic behaviours and bullying.
- ari
Opinions can clash with others on committee and can have conflicts, will you be a mediator to calm things down?
- ari
- depends on if arguments in committee, debating on stuff to do, can vote on it. if there’s still issues can go to guild for mediation. if its an issue in the wider ucc community depending on what it is, committee responsibility to make sure it’s a safe space. depends on the context of the situation. not always one way to solve problems, don’t want prez to be a dictator. want mental health and general welfare of ucc community to be good. if there’s a disagreement where people need there should be a higher level of mediation shouldn’t do in club cause people don’t want to be frightened
- Lorenzo
- if its an argument out of hand, its fair if someone on committee not involved to be mediate. if its something else we don’t have stuff to. important there’s mediation between members, if it's serious extra help is important.
- ari
[LCY] leaves 2:52
[TMI] leaves 2:53
Lexie leaves 2:56
[TMI] returns 2:58
- Maintain an up-to-date register of the members of the Club and the information required by the Act and, upon the request of a member of the Club, make the register available for the inspection of the member;
- A member may make a copy of or take an extract from the register but shall have no right to remove the register for that purpose.
- Carry out the administrative work of the Club for which the Committee does not appoint or elect an officer;
- Record the proceedings of all General Meetings and meetings of the Committee and make these minutes available in an easily accessible portion of the Club online presence;
- Conduct and keep copies of all correspondence to the Club;
- Generally carry out the instructions and decisions of the Committee relating to the administration of the Club;
- Ensure that an accurate copy of the Club constitution is maintained in an easily accessible portion of the Club online presence; and
- Unless the members resolve otherwise at a general meeting, have custody of all books, documents, records and registers of the Club, other than those required to be kept and maintained by, or in the custody of, the Treasurer.
Standing Nominations
- Diarmuid O'Connor
- Why do you want this position/any projects you plan to do?
- Do you have any other commitments?
- Are you nominating for any other positions on the UCC committee/other clubs?
- How often will you be in Cam Hall/UCC?
- Diarmuid defaults
- Be responsible for the receipt of all moneys paid to or received by, or by him or her on behalf of, the Club and issue receipts for those moneys in the name of the Club;
- Keep accounting records as correctly record and explain the financial transactions and financial position of the Club, in such a manner that permits convenient and proper auditing;
- Render an account at each meeting of the Committee of all receipts and payments since the previous meeting;
- Render an account of the petty cash at each meeting of the Committee;
- Furnish the Committee with such other accounts and information relating to the finances of the Club as the Committee may require;
- Present a current financial statement showing all receipts and payments at each Ordinary General Meeting and by motion of Committee, an auditors report at the Annual General Meeting;
- Unless the members resolve otherwise at a general meeting, have custody of all securities, books and documents of a financial nature and accounting records of the Club; and
- Generally carry out the instructions of the Committee relating to the property and finances of the Club.
Standing Nominations
- Lorenzo Iannuzzi
- Bones nominates Freya
- declines
- Why do you want this position/any projects you plan to do?
- Do you have any other commitments?
- Are you nominating for any other positions on the UCC committee/other clubs?
- How often will you be in Cam Hall/UCC?
- Lorenzo defaults.
Ordinary Committee Members (3 positions)
- Assist the other Committee Members in the executions of their duties; and
- Bear any responsibilities that the Committee shall from time to time decide.
Standing Nominations
Ariel CarterDiarmuid O'ConnorGary O'DonovanLorenzo Iannuzzi- Bones Gazey
- Freya Andromeda
- Roy Xu
- Howard Jiang
- Anthony nominates himself
- Bones nominates Isobella
- they accept
Bones Gazey
- I don’t do speeches
- I wanna go for ocm bc I love being on committee
- I’m busier this year so I don’t wanna be vp or exec
- want to get more collaboration between clubs
- wanna change how wheel works to make it more inviting
- so you don’t need to be a Linux god to join wheel
Freya Andromeda
- also very bad at speeches
- would’ve gone for frep because it's not technically possible
- want to advocate for making things more accessible, e.g. what bones said
- you don’t need to be great at Linux but still keeping it so people can if they want
- general streamlining procedures.
Roy Xu
- don’t have a proper speech
- have been on committee for 1 year
- learnt a lot over the year
- know the current execs and can cooperate with them well
- throughout the year I have been pretty active in the club and have done a lot of stuff
- on committee and wheel/tech side
- would be a good idea to have more wheel on committee to carry out plans faster
- want to be upfront, I am graduating mid-year but would devote my time during my studies.
- last year I didn’t try and think about new events but id like to think about it this year.
Howard Jiang
- Had to go to class, refer to Frep speech.
Anthony Do
- hello I’m 2nd year international cyber security
- want to run for OCM because we could be appealing to a lot more people, e.g. people who are only just getting into tech
- don’t know their specific niche
- currently VP for UWAES , but it could be a unique advantage as I’m familiar with committee building.
- combining that with interest and developing expertise in tech
- so we could be more efficient but also pose as a much bigger club with more influence on CS students.
Isobella Gray
- first year in ucc, recently transferred to international cybersec
- heard about the club through my dad
- fresher communication and outreach could be a lot better
- also a part of prosh so haven’t been around heaps lately
- like what the club has done, have stayed pretty up to date with tech throughout most of my life
- think its pretty cool and would like to welcome more people into the club.
- especially for people who don’t know that much about tech.
Lexie returns 15:12
Why do you want this position/any projects you plan to do?
- bones
- I enjoy hanging around ucc and want to help make it more enjoyable for other ppl
- want to try AND find a de cent price on a hovercraft
- Freya
- the club has a strong history and so much legacy technology which fascinates me
- would like to still update tech to be more accessible and usable.
- Roy
- want to do more stuff. I am passionate.
- I had a good time last year and want to carry out more events and get involved
- general tech and committee and wheel stuff.
- Howard
- same as frep.
- Anthony
- help to give the authority to really drive people into the club
- modernising current infrastructure
- get more people involved in wheel, and use wheel to help ppl practise for their future career
- Isobella
- want to work on welcoming new people into the club
- like to help with people signing up on the day but not showing up to events
- bones
Do you have any other commitments?
- bones
- uni and work 16hrs or so a week
- Freya
- live in Mandurah so a little far but is flexible
- Roy
- full time student, casual teaching on campus
- Howard
- see frep section.
- Anthony
- currently seeking employment at UWAIT, maybe 12hrs a week
- otherwise not much
- Isobella
- work 2x a week tues fri
- on PROSH but ends next week
- bones
Are you nominating for any other positions on the UCC committee/other clubs?
- bones
- nope
- Freya
- nope
- Roy
- nope
- Howard
- tommy Moore frep
- Anthony
- no, just vp on esports right now
- isobella
- prosh committee
- bones
How often will you be in Cam Hall/UCC?
- nearly every day
- come in after work sometimes weekends
- here when don’t have Class so basically all the time that isn’t fri/sat
- 4 days roughly bc I have classes and teaching
- come to project night a lot
- see frep answer.
- both clubs I’m active with are in Cameron Hall
- work would be on uni campus
- on campus basically every day
- class mon/wed/thur
- stay in ucc in between
are you planning on running for more ucc positions in the future
- bones
- graduating so hopefully not
- Freya
- no plans as of now
- Roy
- can’t I’m graduating
- Howard
- not here
- Anthony
- yes would like to continue within ucc
- isobella
- probably in the future, my first year so dunno
- bones
would you be interested in stocking
- bones
- already on them.
- Freya
- possibly both in the future.
- Roy
- already on them.
- Howard
- not here.
- Anthony
- already on them.
- isobella
- would be interested.
- bones
- [SEB], [TWA], Isobella elected as OCM.
General Business
[I2N] moves to release the chair to [BLU].
[I2N] moves to add the following to the agenda:
- The University Computer Club Inc:
- Condemns UWA’s policy against student organizations and students advertising on campus and before lectures (colloquially known as “lecture bashing”) and its attacks on student freedom of speech.
- Notes and supports the UWA Student Guild’s Open Letter to the University urging the University’s administration to reverse this policy and other anti-free-speech policies at UWA.
- Urges UCC members to sign in support of the UWA Student Guild’s letter in the link attached to this motion.
- Link:
[GPO] seconds.
Motion passed to add to agenda. 1 abstain
[LIZ] leaves 15:45
[GPO] moves to accept this motion.
- Motion passes.
Has the university commented on why they passed this
- They said it's because of "disruptive students”.
- No further explanation.
End Time
- 15:52