University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2025-02-24
Next meeting time
- Thursday 6th March 5pm
Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting
Circular Motions
- [BLU] Grace Fowler, President
- [SEB] Bones Gazey, Vice-President
- [GPO] Gary O'Donnovan, Treasurer
- [KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary
- [SVN] Lyla Peng, Fresher Representative
- [DOC] Diarmuid O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member
- [ROY] Roy Xu, Ordinary Committee Member
- [LHP] Lauren Pudney, Ordinary Committee Member
Start Time
- 15:36
Committee Reports
President's Report
- Went shopping for stuff with [GPO]
Vice President's Report
- Helped out at oday
Secretary's Report
- Went to ODay stall
- Went to EMS Expo
- Did CITS1003 lecture bashing
- Sent announcement for AGM
- Made photo board
Treasurer's Report
Westpac Main $
Westpac Savings $
Westpac Card $
Guild Account $
Went to EMS Expo
Went to Oday
Went shopping for stuff with [BLU]
Updated leaflets/fresher guide
Made a poster for putting up around campus
Deposited money at bank from float
Fresher Rep's Report
- Nothing to report today.
OCM Reports
- Went to EMS Expo, ODay
- Updated fresher guide
- Helped at EMS Expo
- Made O-Day Discord announcement
- Helped at O-Day stall
- Not here.
Action Items from previous meeting
[GPO] to book the loft for fresher welcome
- Done
All: Flyer, fresher handbook need to be updated.
- Done
Committee: update your handovers on wiki
- In progress
Committee: Discuss project night poster in next meeting and reach back to [JLG]
- [JLG] forgor but it's ok.
[BLU] will look into getting a gazebo
- We have a new gazebo!
[BLU] print photos for O-Day poster board
- donezo
Machine Technical Reports
Clubroom Machines
has a new ssd.pinball
will be reinstalled in a few weeks.
- Nothing new
- Need to expand the DHCP range for VMs in prep for all the freshers
- Also properly look into NATing for some VMs
New Equipment
Got a new gazebo
Got a bunch of whiteboard stuff
- markers, eraser, magnets
Bunch of new chargers, cables and adaptors
- Have been labelled with UCC on them
Zipties, tapes, microfibre cloth, drill bits.
[BLU] is donating coloured zipties
Drinks and Snacks
- [BLU] and [GPO] went shopping
- Will collate total refund amount later.
- Most of it is under the standing budget.
External Entities
- Checked, no mail.
- Next SOCPAC tomorrow at 6pm
- [GPO] and [KKZ] will join online.
Other Entities
Past Events
EMS Expo
- Was very badly organised
- They put a bunch of us inside but nobody came inside.
- [KKZ] found the CompSci orientation group and spam handed out flyers.
Lower than usual sign ups, possibly because lower attendance
- They capped international students (sad)
Golden ticket is so great!!!!! yippee!!!
UCCbuccs have been popular.
We got a bunch of people coming in on the day and today to check out clubroom.
Next time we need to manually add service charge for square
Confirmed Events
Fresher Welcome
This Wednesday 3pm.
Dominos or Broadway?
- Dominos has been hit by inflation!!! they are more expensive now.
- If we get Broadway Large size we can use the student discount, it may be more economical.
Tidy up the room, remove the table to make room for more chairs (from the loft).
Set up projector.
ACTION: [GPO] to update intro powerpoint.
Door members please come to help us make accounts for members.
Memberships will still be $5 ODay special.
Party games afterwards/VR.
Intro to Linux/VM Tech Talk
ACTION: [GPO] will make powerpoint for the Talk and send to [KKZ].
ACTION: [GPO] will book loft for Linux workshop.
We will continue $5 ODay specials to encourage sign ups.
Announcements have all been sent out.
- Facebook, Discord, Email.
CCZ has been booked, EMP approved.
We need to mention it at every event!!!
Make a discord channel/thread for AGM nominations.
- ACTION: [GPO] to create nomination channel on Discord.
We want to change to secret ballot voting at the election.
- Will probably remain with approval voting.
We will make a template for it, we can borrow the esports one.
Exec bring keys to AGM.
UCC x UWAES Gals Gays and Benders Brunch
- This thursday, need to make announcment for it
- We have posters, have been given to Pride Department and put on Cam Hall notice board.
Tentative/Future Events
UCC x UWAES GMod Games Night
- probably tomorrow (25th Feb) 7pm
- in Esports Discord server.
- Meeting this Sunday online.
Club Collaboration
Door Applications
General Business
- We got an email from an oldguard, Malcom Evans, offering computer parts.
- We asked for the NAS and VGA Switch.
Important/Get Done Soon
Major plans/ideas to do this year
New equipment we should get
Action Items
- Committee: update your handovers on wiki.
- Committee: Discuss project night poster.
- [GPO] to update intro powerpoint.
- [GPO] to create nomination channel on Discord.
- [GPO] will make powerpoint for the Talk and send to [KKZ].
- [GPO] will book loft for Linux workshop.
- [KKZ] send AGM reminder announcement
End time
- 16:24