University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-05-30


  • [SEB] Bones Gazey, Vice President
  • [GPO] Gary O'Donovan, Treasurer
  • [KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary
  • [ROY] Roy Xu, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [DOC] Diarmuid O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [ZPH] Anthony Do
  • [LIZ] Liz Thatcher
  • [LHP] Lauren Pudney, Ordinary Committee Member


  • [SVN] Lyla Peng, Fresher Representative
  • [BLU] Grace Fowler, President


Start Time

  • 11:20

Next meeting date/time/venue

  • After exams, from the 17th.

Committee Reports

President's Report

  • Not here.
  • Nothing to report.

Vice President's Report

  • Been sick.
  • Been studying for exams.
  • Have not done anything.

Secretary's Report

  • Went to Tenancy inspection/consultation.

    • I asked about the signed agreement form and they said they didn't need it/already had it?
    • I told them about the light, they told me to email but my email didn't go through.
  • Put some ODay sign up forms into MemberDB.

Treasurer's Report

  • Westpac Main $

  • Westpac Savings $

  • Westpac Card $

  • Guild Account $

  • Went to SocPac.

    • Check under SocPac header.
  • Did Project Night stuff.

    • printer is now working.

Fresher Rep's Report

  • Not here.

OCM Reports

  • [ROY]

    • SocPac, Project night.
    • Sent an email of HDD spreadsheet update to tech.
  • [DOC]

    • Nothing to report.
  • [LHP] joined 11:30

  • [LHP]

    • Nothing to report.

Action Items from Last Meeting

  • [GPO], [LHP] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

    • In progress.
    • Need to try and get [BLU] to clear out the server.
  • [SEB] will make the 50th LAN EMP with [GPO].

    • Not done.
  • Give Tenancy agreement.

    • [KKZ] went to hand over new agreement and was told Tenancy already had it.
  • [BLU] to update the ACNC personal page with [SEB] as VP.

    • Not done.
  • [DOC] joins 11:35

  • Committee to decide on manufacturer for stickers.

    • Depends on materials, size, etc.
    • Will probably go with [GPO]'s sister.
  • [KKZ], [GPO] Make new project night poster.

    • In progress.
    • [KKZ] will try and actually do it after exam this Saturday.
    • [KKZ] also wants to go ham on advertising next sem.
  • Check drives on Christmas and Pinball.

    • [ROY] will do it by next meeting.
  • [ROY], [GPO] to email tech@ mailing list to ask opinions.

    • Done.
    • Got some responses.
  • [SEB] to 'deal' with Venice.

    • Not done.
    • We want to dualboot it/ advertise it.
  • [BLU] to make a whenisgood for 50th anniversary meeting.

    • Not done.
  • [BLU] to create an EMP and an announcement for Artemis LAN.

    • Not done.

Machine Technical Reports

Clubroom Machines

  • Cobra is being a bit dodgy again.

  • We need to replace it.

    • Prime candidate for Build&Break.
  • Venice

    • People really do not care about using it.
    • Probably shouldn't use it in Build&Break since it's not a traditional PC.
    • May look into upgrading it/dualbooting Linux.
    • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Backup server hard drives are being decided.

    • [ROY] sent an email with the final candidates.
    • Will try and get it running before the semester grant so we can claim it.
    • Will be more expensive than we though, may have to go up to $2k.
      • Would be worth it of we don't need to upgrade it for a long long time (like mollusc).
    • Could look into something like BackBlaze as well, relatively cheap offsite option.
    • [ROY] would like some more input from wheel so it can be done ASAP.
  • PCIe cards

  • Could look into getting M.2 drives off overclockers.

    • NVme IntelĀ® Optane cache.


  • UWAES PSU exploded.

    • Was taken out of ewaste and left in UCC for 3 months.
    • Was 'fixed' but evidently not fixed.
    • UWAES tried to install Linux on it to make a server.
    • Pressed the power button and it blew up on [GPO] and [ZPH].
    • Blew up the UWAES TV but TV was revived after replacing the cable.
    • Took out half of our machine room.
  • We found out ESports is on the same circuit as our machine room so we need to be careful.

    • Everything still works, there was just a lot of beeping.
  • Power supply on kerosine died during this weeks storms.

    • No input fail, it just died.
    • Definitely didn't die from [GPO] sending an email.
    • Replaced the PSU and it started working for an hour then died again.
  • [GPO] and [NTU] are looking at installing new fibre switches.

    • Which will eventually involve buying a lot of fibre to copper converters, and fibre cards.
  • something something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! does not have enough ports for all the webcams.

    • someone pls idk what yall are on about


  • New printer is now working!

    • Laser printer.

    • Need a small bit more calibration to get rid of bands on prints.

    • Will try and set up some interface for webprint.

    • Automatically works on all our computers.

    • Does have a limited version of USB print.

    • Can keep B&W printing at 10c/5pg, but should bring colour up to 15c/5pg

  • Will probably sell the olde printer.

    • It works fine it's just a bit finicky.

New Equipment

Drinks and Snacks

  • Running low on everything.

  • We can now have chocolate in the vending machine.

  • Found some cheap drinks on Amazon, not sure if the price has been changed.

  • We are due for a big Campbells/Costco run to get snacks.

  • [GPO] will take a look in Coles/Woolies.

    • For cans aim for under $1.
    • For snacks add 20% on the unit price.
    • If you would not pay it don't get it!

External Entities


  • No mail.


  • Went to SocPac.

    • Three clubs for affiliation.
    • Environmental engineers, CLANSOC, Elucidate.
  • Grants due around 18th June.

  • We got a different locker.

    • We have two small ones.
  • Pls do SLTs pls.

    • 26-27 Jun
    • 3-5th July? And one more window
    • Middle of holidays.


  • Someone email re: the light from a non-UCC email.

    • [KKZ] will resend from student email after meeting.
  • [KKZ] was told Tenancy already have our signed agreement.

    • Dunno if it's the old one but they seem happy so we'll leave it.
  • We are still unable to email SOC and Tenancy from UCC email because of UWAIT DNS.

    • [GPO] has some ideas and will look into what he can do (without breaking anything).
  • There will be ewaste skip bin from 17th June - 19th July.

  • A second round of locker applications will open over the holidays.

  • Semester 1 grants due June 18th.

Other Entities


  • Need to update committee records.
  • Need to do annual information statement.
    • Need to be done ASAP by next meeting.
  • Due 30th June.


Past Events

Confirmed Events

  • [ROY]: approve updated budget for Charity Vigil. LINK
    • [SEB] moves to approve the new budget with updated distribution.
    • Unanimous.

50th Anniversary LAN Dinner

  • Choice meals are actually $70pp and Alternate is $60pp.
  • Will discuss in subcomm meeting as well.
  • We have the contract, just need to sign and pay the deposit.

Tentative/Future Events

Tech Talks

  • [MPT] is interested in re-running his Building the internet talk.
    • Might be nice to run it somewhere other than UCC room where it is more accessible and more room.
    • Does not rely on UCC internet connection.
    • Last year was 5 sessions, one session every few weeks.
    • Will try and run it seperately to Tech Talks.


  • Meeting last Sunday.

  • Venue is pretty much ready for Curtin.

    • Will be booked as soon as bookings open for sem2.
  • Will run after sem2.

Club Collaboration

UWAES Laser Tag

  • First week of Winter Break after exams.

  • UCC is interested in co hosting.

  • Date will be decided next UWAES meeting (Sunday).

  • Bookings are being arranged already and have a quote.

  • Around 20 people showed up last year.

  • Probably around $20-$30pp.

  • Willeton Laser Blaze

UWAES Minecraft Server

  • Would be good to have more people working on it.
  • Will run Factions server after exams, may have events from week-to-week.
  • [KKZ] and [GPO] currently helping out.
  • If you want to play on the server itself you can help with just the technical parts.

Closed Section

Door Applications

General Business

Important/Get Done Soon

  • Filing of receipts from molmol drives into /home/other/committee/docs/2023/receipts.
    • ACTION: [GPO] to file receipts.


Major plan/ideas to do this year

New equipment we should get

  • [NTU]: Purchase request motion: 2x Supermicro TwinServer PSUs, e.g. wobbegong

  • [ROY]: F1D9401-06 / F1D9401-10 USB cables for new Belkin F1DC108C KVM switch.

    • often available for $20-$50 each delivered.
    • already have 4x F1D9400-06 PS/2 cables.
    • maybe a bundle with a F1DE016C / F1DE008C expander unit?

Action Items

  • [GPO], [LHP] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

  • [SEB] will make the 50th LAN EMP with [GPO].

  • [BLU] to update the ACNC personal page with [SEB] as VP.

  • Committee to decide on manufacturer for stickers.

  • [KKZ], [GPO] Make new project night poster.

  • Check drives on Christmas and Pinball.

  • 'Deal' with Venice

  • [BLU] to make a whenisgood for 50th anniversary meeting.

  • [BLU] to create an EMP and an announcement for Artemis LAN.

  • [KKZ] to email Tenancy about the broken light.

  • Need to do annual information statement for ACNC ASAP!

  • [GPO] to file receipts from molmol drives.

End time

  • 12:59