My Taste in Music is Way Better Than Your Taste in Music ________ [Main] [Reviews] [Features] [Albums] [Wanted] [Top 50] [Guestbook] tommoatuccdotasndotau________ |
![]() Cornelius Fantasma Released in 1997 9.7/10 Styles Electronica Alternative Rock Experimental Rock Song Highlights Mic Check Count Five or Six Chapter 8 - Seashore & Horizon |
Cornelius is sometimes cited as some sort of mad genius musician. In his homeland of Japan he is a massive star, idolised by teens and respected by his peers. While his album Fantasma doesn't really back up any claims of true genius, it is a hell of a lot of fun to listen to. The album is absolutely bursting with enthusiasm. Cornelius seems to attack each song with the eager nature of a young child with a 6 second attention span, shoving as many different ideas into his songs as possible. The album is loaded with sampling, style shifts & crazy Disney-on-acid instrumentals (with the emphasis on mental). Only through this level of sheer musical exhilaration could a song like "Count Five or Six," in which a guitar rock melody is accompanied by two voices counting from 1 to 6, come off as anything other than completely annoying. In fact, it's actually one of Fantasma's most thoroughly enjoyable tracks. Cornelius finds room on the album for just about every musical indulgence he could wish to entertain. "Mic Check," the album's intro, is a complete sample-fest interlaced with crazed repeating lyrics. "Seashore & Horizon" actually features the sound of a tape deck loading, unloading and rewinding to switch between verse and chorus throughout the song. With a repetoire of musical styles ranging from hip hop to noise rock to country hoedown, the album rarely hits a dull spot. There are plentry of albums with Fantasma's level of experimentation, but few can match it's joyous, childish energy. |