Luke Anthony Williams

Software Developer

(+61) 0406 174 068
14 Hardy Street, Bull Creek 6149


Vision-controlled music software


Signwave (formerly ricercar) turns your webcam into a musical instrument. Use any brightly coloured object to control pitch, volume or any other parameter that can be controlled via MIDI. Use your system's built-in set of MIDI instrument sounds or bring your own synthesiser to create and shape sounds your way. It is free for non-commerical use.

Collaborative economics blog

The Soap Box
- 2012

The Soap Box is an economics blog with a focus on thorough and accessible descriptions of macroeconomic phenomena which usually go unexplained in traditional reporting. Topics include monetary and fiscal policy, international trade, finance and politics.


Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture

Frost Risk Calculator

The frost risk calculator is a web-based tool for optimising the selection of sowing dates to avoid crop damage from frost or excessive heat. This tool allows for side-by-side comparison of different strains and sow dates with a visual indication of predicted flowering dates.

Department of Food and Agriculture

Crop yield models for phosphorous and potassium fertilizers

The Crop Phosphorus and Potassium models are designed to provide users with a tool for quantifying the yield and economic response to applications of phosphorus fertiliser in broadacre crops in Western Australia.

Minor projects

ngram readable units
Chrome extension to make Google Ngram units more readable.
High-performance OpenGL textures from OpenCV images in Python.
elementary cellular automata
A browser-based simulation of Wolfram's 256 1D elementary cellular automata.
UCC Web Dispense
Web client for dispensing drinks at the University Computer Club.
The Flow of Funds
A flow diagram of the modern monetary diagram inspired by Modern Monetary Theory.
Python bindings for the popular FTGL font rendering library for OpenGL.
f2 arithmetic game
An IRC game which challenges the arithmetic skills of players.
Kicks annoying users from an IRC channel based on a list of regular expressions.