With the oncoming avalanche of total nastiness, nukes, and other various horrible mistaken things which should be sent to the Abyss .... EXAMS! So what's happening, where is the UCC going, and what is the fiscal policy of all the small furry bunny rabbits?
Well the UCC to me, seems to be wandering gloriously, mackerel even looks stable - well ok, it has looked stable, maybe it's just because I'm not there when it goes down ... (?) We have machines popping up everywhere, I envisage the day when we'll have all freshers on terminals where pressing break means you better damn well know how to type c! C glorious C, C+, C++, yippee! Hmm well ... The VP (Very Primordial) Dave wanders about in circles for a bit ... So you want a report ... well well well this is a report dammit! It's it's ... now listen ... just because I've lost my causal connections with our position in probability doesn't mean I can't wander around in the Whole General Mish Mash, and make a mess of things ... hahaha I see our secretary setting up more and more cables having rearranged the terminals to make way for SuperErics! Yes that's right John will perpetuate the dynasty of weird little gender benders with buttons ... Said VP is going to wander now, I need some more scratchy ribbons ...