UCC Committee Minutes 16-12-2009 Meeting opened at 18:13 cephalopod time. Present: [M12] [SJY] [RVS] [DAA] [CJS] [JCF] [BOB] [TRS] Apologies: [VIX] [DJA] [LOL] Vice-President's Report ----------------------- - Has new job. - Deposited large amounts of money to our account from safe. Treasurer's Report ------------------ - Injured other leg, and haven't been in much as a result. - Nothing else to report. - [RVS] to check account balance. Secretary's Report ------------------ - Checked mail a few times, there was a phone bill among other things. - Spoke to Emma from the Guild Council to organise having the key out over the summer break. - We have permission to be in Cameron Hall and to hold the key from 17/12 onwards. - I'll drop by and pick it up on Thursday or Friday morning. - [RVS] to pick up key for Summer break. Fresher Rep's Report -------------------- - Nothing to report; have not talked to many freshers since the end of semester. Machine Technical Reports ------------------------- Servers: - mooneye is currently being operated on by [DAA] to fix problems with RAID. - The machine room got very warm after a power glitch on 13/12/2009. - There was also an exstensive power outage on the 10/12/2009 which caused all servers to fail temporarily. - Whoever turned on the new aircon back on after this did not adjust the temperature so the room was quite warm for a while. Network: - Resnet is fast because college students are away. - Resnet also had some unexplained downtime, probably due to the power outage. - Maxine Gamble has contacted us to say that the AARNET charging model will not change next year. - We will need to nominate a usage amount for next year as we did at the beginning of this year. - Maxime will send us the forms to do this in the near future. - We have used 29.4GB of the 50GB amount that we nominated in early January. Desktops: - humpback was updated, which broke it, though that might be temporary because mooneye is offline. Appliances: - RCD replacement finally occurred. - A wild aquarium appears. Drinks and Snacks ----------------- - We're almost out of Coke, and out of chips in the snack machine. - A coke run should occur ASAP. - There should not be a snack run until closer to the semester or else the chips will go off. Mail, Guild and SOC ------------------- - We have had some mail, the only notable mail was the bill for the phone for $22.28. - New Guild council is now in place as of December 1st. - No news about SOC. Action Items ------------ - [DJA] to find out cost of printing polo shirts and prepare an email to ucc mailing list about pricing and preorders. - Done, mail was sent to committee-only. - [M12] moves to set prices as follows, $30 for pre-order, $35 for regular order, [RVS] seconds, unanimous. - [MRD] to fill out and send back to the guild. - Done, thanks [MRD] and [DAA]. General Business ---------------- - [HMC] : Please reimburse [HMC] $119 for the magilamp receipt in the safe. - [MRD] to obtain cheque from Guild Finance to reimburse [HMC] for magilamp. - [BOB] : Can committee please decide which posters should be kept, and which can be disposed of, else the box will sit in the middle of the clubroom for the next 6 months. - This is not a committee decision. - [BOB] : Reimburse [BOB] $13 for new soldering iron tip, receipt to be provided. - Still waiting on delivery. - [DJA] : O-day Marquee. - [M12] to fill out online form for O-day. - [BOB] : [BOB] for coke. - On the condition that [BOB] successfully completes the LOLCAT, [RVS] moves to add [BOB] to the coke group, unanimous. Current Action Items - [RVS] to pick up key for Summer break. - [RVS] to check account balance. - [MRD] to obtain cheque from Guild Finance to reimburse [HMC] for magilamp. - [M12] to fill out online form for O-day. Meeting closed at 19:04 cephalopod time. --- Meeting minutes are also available at http://ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/