Posted on 22/3/2002 Minutes - UCC AGM 22/3/2002 (updated 25/03/2002, apologies missed, clarification of comments) ===================================== Minutes by TIE until MSH elected as secretary. Meeting opened 1:10 Attendance: TIE Chris Coman PXY Davyd Madeley INS Andrew Thorburn MLK Chris Bobridge VEG Lisa Green AJW Andrew Williams MSH Matt Johnston ZXX Zhen Xu CPK Colm Kiely AHC Adrian Chadd NRR Nick Rohrlack OGM Oliver Mailes SMD Sarah McCabe TRS James Andrewartha MST Anil Sharma TAP Tom Pope OSI Chris Thorp NAL Nicole Lammers NTU Nick Bannon MPF Mathias Liffers DAG Bernard Blackham JIM Jim Mussared Apologies: MTL Mark Tearle FTZ Tom Lynch CNG Chris Grubb Pres Report: Did lots in sem 1, not in sem 2 Liked the discussions generated on the list about direction of the club Successful year Thanks to club for letting him be Pres V-P: Didn't do much in sem1, did more in sem2 Diablo 2 and other gaming was kind of irritating Membership could be more enthused Freshers' welcome was very impressive - more Freshers than vending machines This year do more - licensing issues were a problem last year Tres: Quiet year, $3400 in bank OFM may not be paid yet (for power refit) Events - LANs, sleepout, camp Personally - ran club most of the year Too much stuff to mention Sec: Showed up to camp Didn't do lots, since TRS and NRR did lots Fresher Rep: Organised shirts Made freshers' guide Elections: - TIE moves a motion that constitution changes be examined before elections MST seconds Passed by general assent - MST moves (tabled) Add room officer to Committee CPK seconds MST speaks for: The room is important for the club, but is often disregarded One person in charge of room will improve cleanliness/workingness NRR against: Clubroom is imporant but tidiness shouldn't be left to one person, is the whole club's responsibility. Perhaps people who are put in door are an issue, door members should be fixed rather than adding a new committee position Committee can delegate a member to keep the room tidy AJW concurs AHC also does OGM agrees with MST to some degree, but believes creating room officer will absolve door/committee of room cleanliness NTU questions if anyone running for committee will work on fixing the problem NRR suggests that fixing membership will be better than being constitutinally bound MST moves to immediate vote OGM seconds Motion defeated, all other motions defeated by default - MST calls for returning officers, MPF and CPK volunteer MST moves to suspend standing orders NRR seconds Committee dissolved, elections ensure - Election of President: TRS nominates NRR for president, MST seconds AHC nominates TIE, PXY seconds AJW nominates TRS, TIE seconds, TRS declines NRR: Been on committee 3 times, wants to drive club forward Keep people in the room besides gaming, need more projects Is competent in organising, doing honours, but thesis is only worth 1/3, not as heavy as MST's load. TIE: Been on committee for 1/2 year, hasn't been pres. yet. Wants to revamp clubroom, isn't doing honours NRR elected to president - Election of V-P OGM nominates AHC, TRS seconds NRR nominates TIE, MSH seconds NRR nominates MSH, MST seconds OGM nominates TRS, AHC seconds, TRS declines AHC: Been involved since '95/'96, doing BCompSci 1st year Wants to kickstart many projects: Gamecube SDK etc Never been on committee Has dedication and reliability TIE: Same as pres talk MSH: Wants to get involved with committtee, do projects Vote for him AHC elected to V-P - Election of Secretary NRR nominates MSH, TIE seconds MST nominates TIE, PXY seconds TRS nominates OSI, MSH seconds, OSI declines AHC nominates TRS, TIE seconds, TRS declines MST nominates OGM, OGM seconds and declines MSH elected to Secretary - Election of Treasurer MST nominates TRS, OGM seconds NRR nominates OSI, AHC second, OSI declined NRR nominates VEG, AHC second TRS: Been Treasurer for 1+ years, has it down pat, gets budgets done etc Does various other stuff for the club VEG: Vote for TRS TRS elected to Treasurer - Election of Fresher Rep Freshers: INS, MLK, PXY, DAG, JIM PXY Has pissed off wheel/flame people Wants to contribute to committee, isn't scared of wheel people Wearing UCC shirt DAG Has enthusiasm and 6 hour breaks, wants to get involved JIM Has a good TLA, doing CS/Eng, interested in computers, wants get involved INS Has lots of time, not doing any work, doing BCM/Eng MLK Not present Discussions: AJW: Will PXY continue to hang round UCC if his account is locked? AHC: Who has a girlfriend? DAG elected to Fresher Rep - Election of OCMs OGM nominates OSI, AHC seconds TIE nominates self, MST seconds DAG nominates JIM, NRR seconds NRR nominates OGM, AHC seconds TIE nominates MST, declined OSI Wants to add to direction of club, more hardware, not just games Table for hardware work, reorder the room, so it's not just machines people sit at TIE Already spoken OGM Will do stuff, uni part-time, is pres of UniSFA, doing maths honours JIM Wants to get more projects going, interested in BeOS Discussion: MST: MST is biased towards games, when he joined, were many mudders in the club. The attitute towards games became less friendly, people lost interest in the club. Games help bring in money for the club OSI responds: wants to add to the direction not change away from current. When window boxes are occupied is often not much else to do. AHC: not antigame NRR: Other organisations/places can provide just gaming, club can provide other things too. NRR asked where the 28th dinner should be held OSI: Heard bad things about University Asian, place where the flame dinner was was good. TIE: Han's Cafe/Moon? OGM: Uni Asian ok, they fitted more people than were booked. Should move around from time to time JIM: Cafe style is good OSI, TIE, OGM elected to OCM NRR takes over meeting AJW: regarding the lack of door members in the room, should be a photo board of door members MST: discuss room at committee Closed 2:18