Present NRR TIE FTZ OGM MCG Absent MST OSI Meeting Opened 1:10 VP Some stuff taken from outside Rest going to shenton park '97 tax manual still available I Hate Ansett going broke Tres $2800 in bank Met with kristy Guild council meeting on 16/10 to approve 50/50 payment of power Work to be done over summer break Machine We have some. Great observations skills there TRS They are used to play Diablo II lots Great observation again james. Misc Need drink + chips TIE + NRR to get them at 1pm on Thurs Except TIE will have something on and it will be delayed to a time when NRR is busy so TIE will go by him self again CMG concurs that this will happen. G-B TIE nominates TAP for door (Timtom Pope) OGM Seconds Passed with FTZ vociferously objecting for no reason *whap* Thankyou letter to General Practice for Video Cameras New Video Card for Cod. 50/50 payment plan 50% donations 50% from club If you want to donate some money towards the new video card for cod (ie, if you play Diablo II at all) then mail FTZ Rambles There is an auction on this Saturday They have some rack gear for sale Tearles and Nick Bannon will have a look on Friday apparently. Beer + Pizza Night We have a $150 grant that expires around Xmas Potential to take the $150 grant to UCCamp To be discussed more later TRS to see if permit can be moved UCCamp: Price 1 BBQ provided People to bring their own food Location: Darling Range Adventure Camp Charge: $370 per night for us 3 days Cost: $35 members $50 non-members More discussion next week OSI arrives Meeting Closed 1:47